
What is Etheroll?

Etheroll is a special online Casino that allows users to play and enjoy 100% fair gambling. It also has an Ethereum based coin referred to as DICE.

Etheroll only offers one game, the Dice roll game, where the player predicts the roll of the 100 sided die. The platform is designed as a DApp that allows players to place bets by predicting the dice roll. Note, that there are no deposits or signups when using Ether. You only pay when placing the bet.

Etheroll employs smart contracts that target ensuring all the games are played fairly and the outcomes are verifiable. The objective is ensuring gamers can have trust in the system and can play without worrying of manipulation or even theft.

The decentralized nature of the Ethereum platform is bringing a revolution that will completely change how the gambling market operates.

What is the problem that Etheroll Solves?

The gaming industry has become highly centralized. In many cases, the industry has to rely on trustworthy entities. The impact is a serious threat of manipulation by the respective companies.

The centralized profit-seeking gambling companies easily manipulate the outcomes to optimize their returns. In other cases, the companies cancel orders resulting in huge losses for players.

A careful check on the industry reveals that some of the betting companies are theft rigs that provide very limited motivation.

When gamblers play Dice and other games in many online and conventional casinos, both conventional and online, the payments are never prompt. In some of the instances, players are slapped with many restrictions that require the amount won to be used for additional bets before withdrawals can be allowed.

In most of the cases, the target is ensuring that the winner losses at some point and do not have anything to withdraw.

The centralized gambling system implies that gamblers can never trust the conventional organizations.

Etheroll introduces the application of smart contracts to help users make the predictions and carry home profits when the predictions are right. This is what sets Etheroll from its peers.

How does Etheroll Solve the problem?

To address the outlined problems, Etheroll has opted for a blockchain solution. By employing smart contracts on the Ethereum system, Etheroll game code is completely decentralized and immutable. The smart contracts are also verifiable and auditable. Here is a closer look at how the Etheroll platform operates.

1.  Secure sourcing of information outside the blockchain

To help users play Dice, the Etheroll has to generate random numbers. The system for generating random numbers is based on This service helps in retrieving an integer securely away from the blockchain.

These integers are sourced from TLSNotary and Then, Etheroll runs an SHA3 encryption on the integers to hit the final DICE results. It is considered one of the safest methods of generating random numbers.

Note that Etheroll has promised to continue developing the procedure of creating random numbers.

When Etheroll receives a bet through the playerRollDice function, it is Oraclized using the smart contract queries and then encrypted. The encryption helps to nest and secure the query.

Besides, random public exposure ensures that the respective player is operating honestly. The proof is stored in the IPFS as a proof that the results were not altered.

2. The application of smart contracts

The Etheroll operates as a web-based Ethereum DICE gambling DApp. This is effected via a smart contract that makes it fair, auditable, transparent, and verifiable. The contract is designed to accept gamers using Ether using its player interface. With the smart contract operating as an additional layer on the Ethereum system, users are assured of no possibilities of downtime through DDOS attacks or interference from third parties.

Unlike the conventional online casinos that require users to deposit their funds before their withdrawals requests are placed, Etheroll smart contracts do not need players to sign for accounts or deposit any funds. Deposits are only accepted when players place their bets.

3.  The Etheroll coin, DICE

Etheroll coins are referred to as DICE. The name also refers directly to the main concept behind Etheroll. The tokens are ERC20 standard tokens that come with an additional custom functionality in the Etheroll ecosystem. It is important to note that unlike other cryptocurrencies that only release part of their tokens and the rest as motivation to miners, Etheroll released all of its tokens during the crowdsale that ran for two weeks running from 13th February 2017. To run the network and motivate the coin holders, Etheroll charges players a fee for using the platform.

What makes Etheroll better than it’s competitors?

The gambling industry has been growing at a very rapid rate. However, most of the players have entered the industry with a profit-based only mindset and are willing to go to any length to steal from clients.

However, Etheroll outdoes them on most of the fronts including the following.

  • Etheroll, unlike other casinos, allow players to set their own odds. This implies that players have the option of adjusting the dice roll to fit their own risk profiles. This is meant to enhance the overall thrill of playing DICE on the casino. The model is based on the SatoshiDice style that has made Etheroll become one of the top gambling platforms on the Ethereum platform.
  • Etheroll operates as a completely open and reliable gaming platform. This implies that once a gamer makes a prediction, the only thing that determines whether he wins or not is fate. There is no manipulation or outright theft. This model of operation has restored trust in the industry and more people can now join and enjoy their favorite DICE game.
  • Etheroll operates as a completely decentralized casino. This means that the platform operates without third parties that have proven highly unreliable and manipulative. In Etheroll, everything is determined by smart contracts. The contracts are automated so that once you make a prediction and it turns right, an immediate payment is disbursed to your account.
  • The Etheroll allows users to only play one game, Dice. Though this could be considered negative because players do not have diversity like in other casinos, it makes it very easy to run and improve progressively. Most DICE players indicate that they would rather play Dice on Etheroll than other online casinos because the risk in the latter is very high.
  • The Etheroll operates in a completely open manner. On top of providing a highly reliable platform for placing DICE bets, Etheroll clearly outlines the risks that come with using the online casino. The white paper warns users of key risks such as the danger of losing the bet and unfavorable regulatory actions.
  • The online casino is based on the Ethereum platform. Apart from the Ethereum being the second largest blockchain and cryptocurrency, it has numerous security checks. This helps to make Etheroll more secure compared to other online casinos. The Ethereum platform also helps to extend the reach of the network so that more players can play and enjoy the game.
  • The greatest advantage of using Etheroll is perhaps its highly trusted and experienced team. The Etheroll development team has demonstrated its great passion for the gaming industry. This has won it a lot of trust from the gaming community. Since 2016, the development team started by running a highly successful crowdfund exercise though they suspended it following the DAO attack. But things moved on well after the siphoned coins were refunded. Now, the team has continued to progressively improve the casino and winning huge trust and support from the community.
  • All Etheroll token holders are entitled to receive part of the overall profit made on the network. This implies that holders do not need to worry about complex mining procedures to earn the native tokens. Simply hold some value of the native tokens to enjoy a reward.

How can Etheroll be categorized?

Etheroll can be categorized as the next generation online gaming platform that sets the stage for gambling in a secure and verifiable manner. The Etheroll platform has demonstrated that gamers do not have to give up because of the poorly designed and untrustworthy conventional gaming platforms. The bar has been raised so high by the adoption of the blockchain technology. Here are some of the unique things that make Etheroll the new pioneer for a new model of operations.

  • The platform and gaming are provably fair.
  • Unlike in other online casinos, Etheroll players are allowed to set their odds.
  • It provides users with a web-based web3.js interface.
  • Very low house edge.
  • A highly trusted and experienced team.
  • The platform is based on the Ethereum blockchain that guarantees a higher level of security and anonymity.

What’s Etheroll’s vision on Security?

Etheroll targets becoming the most reliable and secure online casino for gamers. The goal was crafted to help the casino redefine the industry that was fast fading into oblivion. The development team opted to use multiple methods of securing users details, assets, and moves. The main method used to keep the system secure is Smart Contracts.

Every smart contract that is deployed on the platform has to be subjected to third-party audits referred to as Piper Merriam. These audits include Automated Truffle testing and third-party security audits. Other methods of securing the system include;

  • The Etheroll system operates on the Ethereum blockchain. Whether you are placing a bet or sending value on a peer2peer basis, the details are encrypted so that no one can easily unmask you.
  • The system does not use Proof of Work (PoW) consensus model. Rather, all the coins were distributed during the initial crowdsale. This implies that there is no scramble for new tokens and the motivation to token holders is via the profit made on the platform. This has been very important in eliminating the risk of 51% attack.
  • The development team at Etheroll is highly proactive. They are always on the lookout for new gaps and sealing them immediately with regular updates. They have particularly been very effective after the DAO attack of 2016 that almost thwarted their ICO.

Examples of Etheroll’s use cases/applications.

In their white paper, Etheroll development team has indicated that the primary goal of their native token, DICE is for use in the platform. However, the fact that it is a cryptocurrency opens it for numerous use cases. Here are some of these use cases.

  • Dice is the primary currency for use in the Etheroll ecosystem: This is the primary goal of the native tokens on the Etheroll DApp. With the tokens, you can place odds and get rewarded when the prediction gets right. Once you buy the DICE tokens, it also implies that you have voting rights on making key decisions such as adjusting house edge or adding new games to the suite.
  • Trade DICE in the markets: As a cryptocurrency, holders who do not want to get involved in gaming can still use it for trading in the markets. The markets operate the same way forex trading platforms work. This means that you need to pair DICE with other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ripple, or Ethereum among others. Note that for such trading to be effected, you need to start by selecting an exchange such as The EtherDelta, HitBTC, or ForkDelta.
  • DICE coin as an investment and saving option: If you have been looking forward to investing in cryptocurrencies, the focus should be on selecting the tokens with high potential. However, how do you establish a high potential token? Is Etheroll one of them? If you take a closer look at Ethertoll, all indicators show it is a high potential project. The system is secure, it is lead by a highly ambitious and tech team, and the target market is very lucrative.
  • Etheroll tokens are a reliable way of sending value on a peer2peer basis: This implies that you can use the tokens to make direct payments across the globe instantly. Whether you want to send funds to a friend or pay for goods delivered, all that is required is for the recipient to also be in the Etheroll network. He will particularly need to have an appropriate wallet such as Legder Nano S or MyEtherWallet to hold the native tokens.





 What is Aragon?

Aragon is a DApp (decentralized application) that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. The DApp enables users to easily create and properly manage their Decentralized Organizations.

The project is led by the Aragon Foundation and runs as an open source platform. To make the entire platform complete, it also features a native token referred to as ANT. The token is used like other cryptocurrencies in the market such as sending value and granting voting rights to users in the network.

The ultimate goal of Aragon is to become a completely decentralized application and autonomous organization that all users can easily join and create their organizations in the blockchain.

The platform was created early in 2017 with its tokens going on sale shortly after, in May the same year. In just 15 minutes, the project had raised $24 million. This made it one of the most successful ICOs by then. This was a demonstration of the unique architecture and potential of the project.

In its early stages, most of the operations were spearheaded by the Aragon Foundation. The most notable person of the foundation, who is also a co-founder, is Luis Cuende. He is currently the project manager. However, the whole idea behind Aragon is to eventually dissolve the Aragon Foundation and let the community steer it to further growth. This implies that all the decisions will be subjected to vote by the community spread across the globe.

The price of ANT in the market has done relatively well but it is still vulnerable to the high market volatility. In May 2017, ANT was trading at around $1.49 before shooting to $3.57 in the subsequent month. In January 2018, ANT price grew by about 400% to hit the highest point in its history, $7.51. In six months through to mid-2018, the price took a downward shift, sinking to the figure it held when first introduced into the market.

What is the problem that Aragon Solves?

1. Friction in organization governance and operational difficulties

Aragon platform was created to help decentralize and improve company governance. A closer look at the traditional organizations reveals that they have huge budgetary overheads and a lot of administration activities.

The complexity of running organizations results in numerous costs, delays, middlemen, and fees. The effect of these is increased friction that can compromise the operation of the organization.

The primary goal of Aragon is helping to clear this friction and make organization management seamless.

Almost all companies have some common core administrative functions. They are required to allow shareholders vote on various governance decisions, provide equity, pay staff, raise funds, and follow the required accounting requirements. Aragon is designed with your organization in mind to help provide seamless operation of all activities. You can use Aragon to streamline operations in one section of the organization of plug the entire system.

2. Lack of expertise in blockchain technology slows down organizations’ commitment to joining the blockchain sector

Many companies are interested in joining and testing various blockchain solutions in their different areas such as payment, accounting, and governance.

However, they are held back by some factors including the lack of expertise. For example, many company managements do not have the staff to advise them on various aspects or even how to commence with decentralized operations such as smart contracts and DApps.

In most of the cases, the idea of an immutable public ledger that is so powerful is in itself very frightening.

Most of the organizations wonder what would happen if mistakes that cannot be easily corrected happen. In other blockchain based operations such as smart contracts, the centralized organizations worry what would happen if a bug is planted on the core code. These are the issues that Aragon has come to address.

How does Aragon Solve the problem?

To craft reliable and long-term solutions to the outlined problems, Aragon Core is created using Solidity DAO framework.

It started with the focus on capitalist organizations and then extended to other types of companies. Here is a demonstration of how Aragon works to help address organizational friction and enhance adoption of blockchain technology.

1. The Aragon’s out of the box applications

The design of Aragon provides many core features that allow organization managers to manage identity and implement modules for access, and ownership management. The focus at this point is packaging Applications for organizations that plug into Aragon to make their work seamless. Some of these modules include;

  • Shareholder voting.
  • Fundraising via token generation.
  • Accounts receivable/ payable.
  • Human resources onboarding and payroll.

From the demonstration, it is clear that Aragon core targets making the companies administrative functionalities that the modern organization needs. At this point, it is crucial to appreciate that the design of Aragon does not seek to take over your organization.

This implies you can easily turn on and of the preferred module in line with the organizational needs. Also, all the codes used to drive the modules are open source.

Therefore, they can be edited to better meet the company needs.

2. The Aragon DAO architecture

DAO is an organization created to self-update without losing its core identity. This implies that you can progressively improve some or all components of the organization functionality without altering the eternal overall identity. Here are other qualities of the DAO for the organization.

  • DAO owns internal capital and owns property especially in digital assets such as tokens and cryptocurrency.
  • DAO can take action towards itself or even outside world. These executions are run as smart contracts.
  • While DAO follows the programmed actions, it can easily act on its own. For example, it can facilitate the transfer of tokens in the Aragon network. You only need to set the actions that should self-execute on the network. A good example is an e-commerce store that aims to automatically sell complete orders when clients pick orders and clear payments.

3. The Aragon network token (ANT)

The native Aragon token is designed to represent wealth in the same manner that fiat currencies operate in the conventional setting. The ANT tokens are Ethereum based digital assets which imply that users will be required to pay some GAS when sending value on a peer2peer basis. This also implies that you can hold the tokens in any ERC2O compliant wallet such as MyEtherWallet and Ledger Nano S.

Unlike other tokens such as Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash that are fixed and cannot be increased, the Aragon tokens will be released continuously. This targets helping to cater for the natural attrition such as permanent loss of private keys and death of holders. It will also ensure that more users can access and use the tokens.

The initial tokens were released during the Aragon ICO held in May 2017. The tokens are released through minting. Miners spread in the Aragon network are rewarded with new ANT. The reward is determined through voting by those who already have some ANT.

What makes Aragon better than its competitors?

From the beginning, Aragon was crafted with the primary goal of getting centralized organizations to operate more efficiently.

Here are the main things that make it better than competitors:

  • Aragon has been in the market for a long time. This is a great attribute because many people consider its features to have been tested and proven reliable. This is one of the reasons why a lot of people and organizations have been trooping to the network to enjoy its services.
  • The organization has a continuous model of releasing new tokens. This is better compared to others that have a fixed token such as Bitcoin. What this implies is that the core goal is not to simply get the native token’s price to skyrocket. Rather, it aims at ensuring all organizations can join the network and smoothen their operations.
  • By creating a reliable method of managing decentralized organizations, Aragon has become the better option in the cryptocurrency world. For example, though Bitcoin is a very strong cryptocurrency in the market, its functionalities are limited. However, Aragon allows people to plug their entire organizations into the blockchain and run all concepts from HR to accounting in a professional way.
  • The Aragon development team comprises of some of the top minds in the blockchain industry. Their focus from the beginning demonstrated they have the capability to steer the platform and the entire blockchain industry to the next level. Indeed, they are not interested in clinging to managing the network. Rather, they have indicated they will relinquish the Aragon Foundation and leave the network management to the community.
  • The Aragon system has greatly simplified the blockchain system to ensure that even those with little knowledge about cryptographic solutions can still enjoy the advanced technology in their organizations.

How can Aragon be categorized?

Aragon can be classified as one of the truly decentralized and open source projects targeted at helping the industry grow to the next level. Its architecture and roadmap are carefully designed to ensure that no one is left behind. Whether you have a small organization that only requires a few applications via the blockchain operations or a complex company that targets to cut inventory with a huge margin, Aragon is there for you.

Their commitment to regularly update the network and give companies the option of customizing key modules after joining the network has made it very appealing. Many experts and even the cryptocurrency community is in agreement that this is the blockchain that will no doubt take the industry to the next level.

What’s Aragon’s vision on Security?

When Aragon development team set working on the platform, they appreciated that one of the main issues that stood in the way of faster adoption of blockchain technology was the concern for security. Therefore, they decided to craft a platform that would help organizations securely join the blockchain network and optimize their operations. Here are some of the core components of Aragon that are also helping to advance the security vision.

  • Advanced encryption that helps to conceal all user information from third parties.
  • The Argon native tokens are based on the Ethereum system to provide an additional layer of security.
  • Most of the operations in the Aragon system are implemented through Smart Contracts. This implies that only those that meet the set rules can join.
  • To reduce the threat of bugs and malicious attacks directed at the network, the Aragon development team progressively works on improving the core code. This is expected to get even better when Aragon team finally relinquishes the leadership of the Aragon Foundation.

Examples of Aragon’s use cases/applications.

The fact that Aragon was created with the target of helping organizations streamline their managements implies that its applications are very diverse. Here are some of the use cases.

  • You can use the Aragon to run smart contracts to sell the products of your organization. This is a great method of automating operations by setting standards that must be met by your business and the targeted clients. You can apply the smart contracts in areas such as capital management portfolios.
  • Many organizations can opt to use the Aragon system to raise funds by issuing native tokens. This is becoming a reliable method of generating funds fast for specific project development.
  • Like other cryptocurrency networks, Aragon’s native tokens, ANT, can be used to help send value on a peer2peer basis. The process is simpler, faster, and cheaper compared to the conventional networks and even other decentralized organizations.
  • Most organizations prefer using Aragon to simplify the processes of payroll, accounting, and even capital management. By automating these operations, it implies that organizations can easily cut on associated costs and increase the overall productivity.
  • The Aragon system has become a highly reliable option for prediction markets. Because it employs highly automated smart contracts, companies are finding it easy to create markets and sell the predictions to their clients.
  • Like other cryptocurrencies, ANT can be used for direct purchases. You only need to look for the stores and service providers that accept ANT for direct payment. Note that you can still make purchases even from stores that only accept other tokens by first converting to the accepted tokens.
  • The native tokens provide a reliable way of investing or hiding savings away from the public eye. It is better because all the details are encrypted and no third party can easily know about the balances or even respective transactions.