What Is ION?

ION coin is an open source and decentralized cryptocurrency of the Ionomy gaming ecosystem. The coin was launched in 2016 by Ionomy Studios that wanted to create a form of incentive for gamers and developers.

When Satoshi Nakamoto released the Bitcoin Core, his target was largely the financial sector. But he had opened the gates of the blockchain technology that would become the later defining benchmark for many industries. In the gaming industry, Ionomy, a gaming ecosystem joined the niche and released its native coin referred to as ION.

  • What is ION coin?

The most notable of the Ionomy founding and development team members include Richard Nelson (CEO), Adam Matlack (chief strategist), Colin Adley, Vadim Akhundov, Audrey Torbenko, and Joddan Smith. The motto of Ionomy is “The Business of Fun”.

In line with the motto, the developer team has been working on new games and seeking new ways to make the gaming community enjoy their products. Some of the games on the ION platform include To The Moon, Crypto Gravity, Ionix, and UrbanWords.

  • ION price history in the market

After Ionomy Labs was launched in April 2016, the native coin was released later in August 2016 through an ICO. The initial coin supply was 10.9 million ION. 3.4 million of the coins went to participants as incentives, five million was released through its ICO and 2.5 million as bounties.

The ION coins entered the markets early in June 2016 at a price of $0.22 and traded within a range of $0.2 and $0.3 until March 2017. From April 2017, the price grew steadily reaching a peak of $7.2 in January 2018. This was the highest mark in ION history.

However, the bullish trend changed immediately after hitting the peak. The price dropped steadily to reach a low of $1.8 on 6th February 2018 before rising steadily again to $4.88 by 2nd March 2018. The price took another downward trend culminating to $0.5 by the close of October 2018.

As the list of supported games keeps growing and more people realize the benefits of going crypto, the ION community anticipates that the value will continue on an upward trend.

What is the problem that ION Solves?

If you take a look at the blockchain niche, one might be tested to believe that everything is okay. For example, the number of coins that had entered the market by mid-2018 was more than 1600. But a closer look at the niche reveals that it is dogged with many issues. Here are some of the problems that ION solves.

  • Centralization of mining

The discovery of decentralized technology gave people hope that the high cost of sending value and lack of privacy especially in the financial sector had finally come to an end. The pioneer cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Litecoin are decentralized networks that rely on nodes spread on their system to confirm transactions for a reward in a process referred to as mining.

However, the desire to mine more coin resulted in development of highly advanced ASIC mining equipment that generates a lot of computing power. The main issue with the equipment is that they are very expensive. This means that only the wealthy in the community can afford them.

As individuals, mining companies, and pools capitalize on mining, it implies that there is a risk of these networks getting controlled only by a few parties is very high. It also exposes them to threats of 51% attack.

  • Poor uptake of cryptocurrencies in the market

While the concept of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology is no doubt gaining traction in the market today, the uptake is still very low. At this point, many people ask the question; “How can the argument that uptake of cryptos is slow yet most coins are bought within seconds when ICOs are announced?”

Every time that a new coin is released or a new network is discovered, the people who rush to acquire the tokens are those who want to take advantage of price growth. Their target is not using the coins to make a direct purchase in the market. Rather, they aim at making very high profits when the price goes up.

The slow uptake of the cryptocurrencies is also caused by poor penetration into other networks. For example, most networks target the financial sector while some niches such as gaming and social media remain unattended. ION was created as the main coin for the gaming niche.

  • Poor scalability

One of the main goals of decentralizing crypto networks was to make transactions faster. Because there are no centralized organizations such as banks that are involved, the argument was that transactions would be faster.

However, the architecture of the networks requires that nodes have to sign transactions and store whole blocks resulting in limited scalability. For example, Bitcoin can only handle 7 transactions every second while the more advanced Bitcoin Cash can manage 60.

When the above numbers are compared to top financial services such as Visa that can handle up to 20,000 transactions per second, it implies that the crypto networks are indeed lagging. This is the gap that ION came to close.

How Does ION Solve The Problem?

Ionomy came into the cryptocurrency market in 2016, about seven years after the introduction of the first cryptocurrency.  With its founders having watched the industry unfold and get stuck in the above problems, their commitment to looking for solutions saw them adopt the following strategies.

  • Static-proof of work

To address the problem of centralized mining and limited uptake of cryptocurrencies, ION development team opted for a new consensus algorithm referred to as static proof of work. The common proof of work consensus model used in coins such as Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash requires a lot of hashing power and energy to mine new coins.

The preferred alternative to proof of work (PoW) is proof of stake (PoS). However, even proof of stake (PoS) consensus that relies on coin accumulation as opposed to computational power is still subject to abuse because people who can afford more coins get preference in mining.

ION uses static proof of stake consensus which rewards users not just by staking the coins, but also by keeping them active. The users who are engaged in contributing to a robust and secure network get 50% of the block reward.

Note that the coins’ weight still matters. Therefore, even those who simply buy and hold without being active are still given a portion of the mining rewards.

  • Masternode network

One of the main causes of poor scalability is the requirement that nodes must come to a consensus before transactions can be confirmed. ION network uses a system of masternodes where only a few trusted nodes are used to find new blocks.

The masternodes in the ION network also facilitate private transactions via decentralized mixing of services that take advantage of the currency fungibility. The masternodes add complexity to transactions by breaking them into multiple private transactions to completely obfuscate the identity of users.

Because the masternodes are fewer, they are able to communicate to each other and confirm transactions faster compared to Bitcoin or other pioneer coins. The masternodes get 50% of the block reward as an incentive for their work.

  • The Ionomy PWR-GRD

To make the ION coin and Ionomy attractive to more people, game developers are provided with an opportunity to develop and sell their games online. PWR-GRD is a complete suite for helping developers to facilitate games development, crowdfunding, cash rewards, and integrated advertising.

What makes ION better than it’s competitors?

When the ION founders created the cryptocurrency network, they knew that the field had many competitors. But ION has been performing relatively well in the market and sparking speculation that it could be the next big thing. Here are the main things that make ION better than competitors.

  • ION is completely anonymous. As more cryptocurrencies grapple with the problem of anonymity, ION has managed to address it comprehensively through use of masternodes. This implies that ION platform users can now enjoy sending funds or running transactions without worrying that other people can access their transactions. They are also free from third party seizures.
  • The ION network targets a niche that is less explored. Unlike most cryptocurrencies such as Litecoin and Ripple that target the financial sector, ION ventured into the gaming niche.
  • The ION platform has helped to effectively address the issue of scalability. Because the masternodes required for confirming transactions are fewer, they easily communicate with each other and complete the transactions faster.
  • The ION network is completely decentralized. When the ION founders released the cryptocurrency’s core code, they ceased being the owners. Instead, the platform is owned by the nodes that join the platform either to use the coins or stake them. This means that when you use the network, you also own it. In the cases of an issue that needs voting, you could be called to vote.
  • As a peer2peer platform, the ION network allows users to send value or make payment without relying on a centralized entity such as banks or credit card companies. This helps to make the transactions faster and cheaper. It also allows users to make transactions at any time of the day or night.

How can ION be categorized?

ION is a next-generation cryptocurrency designed to help extend the benefits of blockchain niche to more niches in the industry. The commitment of the development team to drift from the commonly used proof of stake and proof of work to the more effective static proof of stake protocol implies that the industry still has the potential to grow.

However, it is the support for the gaming community especially allowing the developers to easily craft new games that are likely to edge the cryptocurrency and its platform further up in the industry. This makes it a reliable investment with good potential for growth because its native coins can also be used as a standard cryptocurrency in the market.

What’s ION’s vision on Security?

The success of any cryptocurrency in the market is dependent on the ability to protect user investment and the network from attacks. The main vision of ION on security is to become the most secure and reliable cryptocurrency for the gaming community. Here are some of the efforts used by the platform to deliver this security.

  • Advanced encryption.
  • Complete decentralization that guarantees even distribution of coins to prevent the danger of 51% attack.
  • The platform uses static proof of stake consensus protocol that incentivizes masternodes to protect the network.
  • The development team works progressively to identify vulnerabilities and fix them immediately to avoid attackers using them.

Examples of ION’s use cases/applications

Though the main target of developing ION crypto was the gaming niche, the development team has worked hard to extend its applications. Here are some of these use cases:

  • Use ION coin to pay for transaction fee on the Ionomy platform. When you decide to send value on the Ionomy platform, the charges are paid in the native coins. Note that the charges go to promoting the development of the blockchain as opposed to building profitability.
  • The native ION tokens can be used to pay for products and services in the market. As more traders come out to accept the native coins, it is possible to make direct payment for goods and services in stores that accept them. You only need to identify a store that accepts ION coins to make a direct payment.
  • Trade ION coins in the market. Like other cryptocurrencies, ION can be traded in the markets. Once you identify a market that lists the coin such as Bittrex and Upbit, you simply need to join and pair the coin with others such as Ripple to start trading.
  • ION coins for paying games in the Ionomy ecosystem. If you want to access and play the games on the Ionomy ecosystem, the charges are paid using ION coin.
  • Use ION coin as an investment. Instead of storing your funds in a bank where interest is very low, you could consider buying the native ION coins and staking them. This means that you will be getting part of the block rewards for being on the network.





What Is Sphere?

Sphere (SPHR) is a peer2peer and decentralized payment network that operates through proof of stake (PoS) consensus algorithm.

The focus of the development team is helping to extend the benefits of blockchain technology to more niches especially the social media and e-commerce platforms.

  • A closer look at the Sphere cryptocurrency

The development of the Sphere platform started in 2015 when the mobile application was created for iOS and Android.

The platform was founded by computing experts Andrew Khong, Andy Fuhr, Tamara Mihajlovic, and Jessica Thoennes.

In 2017, the development team worked hard on releasing additional features and also laid down the groundwork for its ICO. Between 12th February 2018 and 9th, April 2018 Sphere held its ICO when 650,000,000 were sold.

  • The performance of the Sphere coin in the market

The performance of the Sphere coin in the market has been impressive growing by 24,900% by the close of October 2018.

After entering the market in May 2015, the price was $0.002 before growing marginally to $0.007 in mid-May. However, the price remained low within the range of $0.002 and $0.03 until March 2017.

From April 2017, the value of Sphere grew steadily and hit the highest mark of $11.15 on January 4th, 2018. However, the price took a bearish trend immediately after hitting the peak. By the close of October 2018, the value of Sphere coin had decreased to $0.5.

Despite the negative show in 2018, the community remains optimistic that the value will take an upward trend as the features described in the crypto’s roadmap such as the marketplace and ad platform get actualized.

What is the problem that Sphere Solves?

Even as the blockchain technology takes root, it is faced by a lot of challenges. Indeed, even the areas that appear to run smoothly are still faced with bottlenecks. Here are some of the main problems that Sphere addresses.

  • Centralized mining

Cryptocurrency mining is the process of confirming transactions in a blockchain network and adding new blocks to their public ledger for a reward. Miners also vote on various governance aspects that require consensus on their networks. However, the process of mining only works effectively when the nodes are completely decentralized.

As mining difficulties for various platforms, especially those that use proof of work (PoW), keeps edging up, mining companies started manufacturing advanced equipment that generates a lot of computing power. The mining equipment threatened to undo the benefits that had been achieved through decentralization.

Because the equipments are very expensive, only the rich in the society can afford them. This means that the process of mining is likely to be left in the hands of a few parties such as mining pools and mining companies. It also raises the danger of 51% attack.

  • Lack of privacy when running financial transactions

If you take a closer look at financial transactions, it becomes clear that the details of transactions are not private. Your transactions, account details, and operational history are accessible to bank cashiers, the bank management, credit reference staff, and political administration.

The problem of privacy is also experienced in blockchain networks such as Bitcoin. While many people believed that the blockchain technology would offer total privacy, the concept is still not easy to achieve. At Bitcoin, the only cover that users have is the use of pseudonyms.

However, it has been proven that advanced technology can still be used to follow individual transactions on Bitcoin and know the details of users. This is one of the issues that Sphere addresses.

  • Poor adoption of cryptocurrencies especially in conventional markets

Even as more digital coins join the crypto market, the adoption as a   means of paying for goods and services in the stores is still low. This problem is contributed by the complex process required to facilitate acceptance of crypto coins in the market.

Sphere targets to address the issue by linking the coin directly with the markets and making it easy for both buyers and sellers to use.  Even with the negative perception that has been created by some administrations about the cryptos, Sphere targets to demonstrate that its native coin is reliable and secure for daily use.

How Does Sphere Solve The Problem?

  • Use of scrypt mining algorithm

To address the problem of centralized mining, Sphere development team opted to use the advanced version of Scrypt proof of work protocol. The protocol is memory intensive and resistant to ASICs mining. This implies that more nodes spread in the Sphere system can now mine the coin using standard GPU.

The Sphere network development team targeted to use Scrypt to help reduce the chances of more coins falling in the hands of a few parties. This approach has helped to reduce the danger of 51% attack. Note that the team progressively improves the protocol to address vulnerabilities.

  • Sphere runs its own marketplace

Though cryptocurrencies have been demonstrated to be more effective than fiat currencies in facilitating payments, many stores are yet to accept them. This is caused by two main factors. One, many governments have cautioned their traders against using the coins. Two, a lot of technical expertise is needed for such operations.

To jumpstart the entire process, Sphere opted to create its own marketplace. This is an open market that allows users to list their items and sell to others on the network. Then, the payment of the platform is effected using Sphere coins.

  • The Sphere platform runs its own ad platform

If you take a look at the big data firms such as Facebook and Google, they rely on user data to run ads and make a lot of profit. Sphere operates differently. Instead of focusing on the centralized operators, it creates a platform that all can utilize to run ads.

The data on the Sphere platform is available on its public ledger and is not a monopoly of one entity. This implies that you can follow the info for additional analysis to either evaluate the market or get additional details about specific items before buying.

  • Sphere operates as a completely decentralized platform

When the Sphere development team started working on the platform, they wanted to make it different from others so that more people could find value and join it. Therefore, they designed it as a completely decentralized platform that is governed by the nodes spread in its network.

Complete decentralization implies that there is no single point of failure on the network. The data on the network is stored by different nodes spread across the globe to ensure that users can still access their info even if one of the nodes is offline or opts out.

The decentralization has been very crucial in keeping the network secure and reliable. Whether it is at night or during the day, you can easily access your data and run transactions.

What makes Sphere better than it’s competitors?

As the crypto space attracts more players, it is becoming highly competitive. Because many networks offer almost similar services, the goal is to offer more customer value to make the platform and native coin attractive. Here are the things that make Sphere better than its competitors.

  • The network runs its own marketplace that makes it easy for users to directly buy or sell products on the system. This edges the network ahead of others that have to rely on the conventional markets to facilitate trading. The feature is very crucial in helping to grow the value of the native coin in the coming years.
  • Sphere operates as a completely decentralized platform. This makes it better than conventional financial services providers like banks because users can operate without a single point of failure.
  • As a peer2peer coin, Sphere transactions are completed without involving centralized third parties such as credit card companies. This implies that transactions are completed faster and can be carried any time of the day or night.
  • Unlike some decentralized networks such as Bitcoin or conventional financial services, Sphere uses advanced encryption and decentralization to make transactions anonymous. Users on the network are, therefore, able to enjoy sending value, investing or even trading without worrying about third-party seizures.
  • The Sphere system provides people on its network with many options to make money from it. You can mine the native coins, run ads, or even sell products on the marketplace.

How can Sphere be categorized?

Sphere is a unique cryptocurrency created to help the industry reinvigorate itself and move to the next level. To address the current issues that have slowed the adoption of cryptocurrencies, Sphere has demonstrated that creativity can help.

By allowing people to use the marketplace and even run ads, Sphere coin is likely to grow in value because more people will find value in joining it. The development team has also committed to advancing the platform further by running a social media network.

What’s Sphere’s vision on Security?

The Sphere’s vision on security is to provide users with the most secure and progressive cryptocurrency network. When the founders created Sphere, attacks on cryptocurrency establishments such as the Mt. Gox hack of 2011 had become very common. Therefore, the development team adopted the following features and strategies to make the platform secure.

  • Advanced encryption on Sphere platform helps to protect user information from third parties.
  • The cryptocurrency platform runs as a completely decentralized system. This implies that all operations rely on a network of nodes and does not have a single pointy of failure.
  • The development team at Sphere progressively improves the network by releasing new updates that seal gaps and vulnerabilities.

Examples of Sphere’s use cases / applications

Since 2009 when Bitcoin was launched, the primary goal of altcoins entering the market is to win a bigger following getting accepted across different niches. Sphere targets to achieve this by diversifying its operations. Here are the main use cases of Sphere.

  • The Sphere tokens are used for paying transaction charges on the native network. This is the cost that people sending funds or selling items on the Sphere platform pay. The charges go to facilitating the development of the network by incentivizing the developers.
  • You can use the native coin to trade in the markets. Like other cryptocurrencies such as Loopring and Ripple, Sphere can be traded in exchanges such as Bittrex and BitBox. Note that trading in the exchanges requires users to register and creating trading pairs with other coins.
  • The Sphere coin can be used to pay for products and services in its native marketplace. The marketplace operates like the standard e-commerce sites but the only accepted method of payment is Sphere. You can also use the coin to make direct purchases in other stores that accept it.
  • Use Sphere to pay taxes in countries that support cryptocurrencies. As more countries appreciate the benefits of blockchain technologies and come out to support cryptocurrencies, it is possible to pay for services such as utility bills. One good example is Arizona.

After passing HB 1091 in March 2018, Arizona now allows residents to pay taxes using cryptocurrencies. The law requires the tax authority in Arizona to accept the coins and convert them to US dollars immediately. Then, the cash is credited to the user’s tax account.

  • Use Sphere for saving your money. Instead of saving your money in a banking system, you can now buy Sphere coins.

The good thing about investing in Sphere is that the coins have a good potential for growth as the development team works hard to add new features. Besides, the cryptocurrency space is growing steadily and you can enjoy additional services such as low cost of sending value across the globe.

Remember that even if you target to invest in cryptocurrencies or use it to save funds, the expected growth is speculative.

The cryptocurrency market is very volatile and the value of different coins can swing in either direction. Therefore, you should invest in the network carefully and follow the best practices such as spreading your funds across different coins, keeping your Sphere client updated, and only investing what you can afford to lose.