
What Is ZrCoin?

The applications in the blockchain niche are potentially infinite. Satoshi Nakamoto’s focus on the financial sector only helped to open the door for other operations.

Now, developers are working hard to integrate new systems that can help the community to link and enjoy higher value for their investment.

One unique cryptocurrency projects in the market is the ZrCoin. The originators of ZrCoin commodity token targeted to integrate the industrial process based on a commodity.

The main goal of the ZrCoin project is implementing innovative technology in financing industrial projects.

The ZrCoin was created with the target of giving people direct control over the industrial production of zirconium dioxide/Synth (abbreviated as ZrO2). The project started with an ICO (initial coin offering) to raise funds for creating a synthetic plant for manufacturing zirconium dioxide. The ICO was held between May and June 2017.

  • A closer look at ZrCoin

When ZrCoin entered the market in June 2017, the price was $75.59. However, the value crashed by 23rd June to hit a low of $1.82. The price remained below $1.32 until the close of December 2017 when it grew marginally to $3.23.

On January 13th, 2018, the value had grown steadily to reach $4.15 before taking a steady decline to reach a low of $0.7 by the close of may 2018. Unlike other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ripple that were on a bearish trend between January and the third quarter of 2018, the price of ZrCoin started recovering in June 2018.

In mid-June, the value of Zrcoin (ZRC) was $0.9 before taking an upward trend to reach $1.9 in early November. The early recovery has been cited as an indication of the potential for growth in the coming years. Experts have indicated that if you are looking forward to investing in the industry, Zrcoin (ZRC) is a good asset before the value moves up.

Remember that when it comes to investing in cryptocurrencies, the expected market growth is only a factor of speculation. This means that you should be extra cautious and avoid putting all investment in one asset.

It is advisable to spread the risk across different coins to avoid incurring huge losses in the case of extreme price swings. For example, you could put some funds on Zrcoin (ZRC) and others on assets such as BNB.

What is the problem that ZrCoin Solves?

While the blockchain niche has been growing steadily as evidenced by the fast-growing list of digital coins, the industry is still faced by a myriad of issues. Here are some of the issues in the industry that the Zrcoin (ZRC) solves.

  • High volatility of coins in the market

One thing that is closely associated with cryptocurrencies is high volatility. Unlike fiat currencies that are controlled through printing more coins or mopping some from the market to control inflation. However, the digital coins are decentralized and not controlled by a centralized authority.

When digital coins are traded in the market, they are only controlled by market forces. They promptly respond to issues taking place in the industry resulting in extreme market swings. Some of the issues that cause high price volatility include reports of partnerships, new competition, and government regulations.

One case of high volatility was reported in December 2017 and January 2018 when most coins’ price grew to the highest marks in history. For example, on December 2nd, 2017, the price of Bitcoin was $11,109.50 before jumping to $19,535.70 on December 17th, 2017. But the price dropped sharply in the subsequent few days to $13,670.60.

Zrcoin (ZRC) founder and development team sought to address this issue by using a commodity backed token. This implies that the coin is attached to a real asset. In this case, Zrcoin (ZRC) is associated with Zirconium dioxide that is used in processing ceramic glazes, kitchen utensils, and dentistry.

  • Poor adoption of the blockchain technology in all areas of the community

The fast progress of blockchain technology has been impressive. But it is yet to fully trickle to the community. In many cases, investors rush to buy tokens when ICOs are announced targeting to make high profits when the value goes up. It is because of this that only a few stores support the use of crypto tokens today.

The slow adoption of digital coins also plays out, especially in the manufacturing niche. Though there are a number of coins linked to actual assets such s Gold, the coins rarely target the processing areas. This is the area that Zrcoin (ZRC) targets to exploit.

How Does ZrCoin Solve The Problem?

The primary focus of the Zrcoin (ZRC) development team is helping investors to take control of the Zirconium dioxide and enjoy a high return on investment. Here is a demonstration of how the coin addresses the above issue:

  • Zrcoin (ZRC) coin links investors to the ZrO2 asset

To address the problem of market volatility, the Zrcoin (ZRC) is linked to a ZrO2. Like Gold, the synthetic concentrate ZrO2 is very stable and is expected to keep investors’ funds free from extreme market volatility. This is one of the reasons why the value of Zrcoin (ZRC) was relatively stable in the market between inception and the end of the third quarter of 2018.

During the launch of Zrcoin (ZRC) ICO, the early investors were promised 100% return on investment. This is the main reason that made demand for the Zrcoin very high when it hit the market for the first time but crushed after a short while. But the promise of 100% saw some people in the crypto niche label the network a Ponzi scheme.

  • The Zrcoin provides users with flexible operating system to help optimize output

When you invest in Zrcoin (ZRC) you do not just get the profit linked to the high-value ZrO2. Rather, you also gain control of the production process for zirconium dioxide. Note that unlike the standard coins such as Bitcoin that allow users to hold value, the initial Zrcoin investors were required to sell the token back or recover an equivalent of the coin value in the form of ZrO2.

Even the current investors still have the option of recovering profit by selling the tokens or recovering them as ZrO2. A lot of traders who deal with ZrO2 in different industries such as ceramics and grass have become clients buying and recovering the tokens in actual assets.   

  • A centralized token management system

Unlike other tokens such as Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash that have gone to great lengths in promoting decentralization, ZrCoin is different. The coin uses a centralized method where the production company manages the platform and the coins.

After the ICO that was completed successfully, the management indicated that investors would be required to sell back the coins to the company or recover the value through ZrO2. Besides, the coins are not minable.

The centralized system gives the ZrCoin management greater control over the production system so that they can match the market demand, supply, and investor expectations.  The method has attracted many investors especially those who want to start by learning how the system works before committing more funds.

What makes ZrCoin better than it’s competitors?

When ZrCoin entered the market in 2016, the founders knew that they faced serious competition in the market. Therefore, they targeted to create a winning platform that would deliver good customer experience and returns. Here are some of the things that make ZrCoin better than competitors.

  • The design of ZrCoin has helped to address the issue of market volatility.

Even as the conventional cryptocurrencies suffer from extreme volatility, ZrCoin has provides investors with a chance to invest without worrying of extreme price swings. Whether you want to invest in the blockchain niche or simply want to save funds without worrying of loosing, this is a good token to consider.

  • It is a good method of investing and expecting guaranteed returns.

When the ZrCoin development team worked on the initial coin offering, early investors were promised a 100% return on their investment. The commitment of the development team to tag a specific level of returns helps to win the confidence of investors because they are assured their investment will grow.

  • Though the processing system runs as a centralized system, its management is cohesive to guarantee users of better results.

Though a centralized system comes with many risks because one is an easy target for attacks and even authorities, running an industrial process is different. By centralizing the management of the ZrO2 factory, it is easy to optimize production and profit through the best practices.

  • The project is run by a highly experienced development team.

If you want to know the value and potential of a crypto project, simply take a look at the development team. The ZrCoin development is done by a tech team that facilitated easy transfer of the native tokens during ICO, in the markets, and even when users decide to recover the tokens for ZrO2 or cash.

How can ZrCoin be categorized?

The ZrO2 is a commodity-based token that targets to bridge the blockchain community to the industrial processes. Because of the high demand for ZrO2, investors are assured of enjoying high return in on their investment.

For others, the ZrO2 system is preferred because of its simplicity. Whether you want to invest money in a stable network or prefer to recover value as ZrO2 in the coming years, the ZrCoin coin is a reliable option.

What’s ZrCoin’s vision on Security

The ZrCoin’s vision on security is to become the most secure commodity token in the market. The development team targeted to provide investors with assurance that their coins would be safe from attacks.

The main method of keeping the ZrCoin secure is through its aggressive team that regularly evaluates the network to identify vulnerabilities and fix them before attackers can take advantage.

Examples of ZrCoin’s use cases / applications

To know the effectiveness of a crypto coin, simply look at the use cases. If a coin has multiple applications, it helps to raise the demand and value in the market. The main use cases of ZrCoin include;

  • ZrCoin can be traded in the markets to optimize returns. Like other tokens, ZrCoin can be traded in the exchanges that list it. Note that the process will require registering for a trading account, verifying it with additional personal information such as proof of location, and pairing with other coins.
  • Use ZrCoin as an investment or store of value. Instead of using other cryptocurrencies that are highly volatile, ZrCoin provides a reliable option that users can rely on to store value without worrying of extreme market swings.
  • Use ZrCoin to buy ZrO2 at lower rates. If you are a trader and want to buy ZrO2 for your operations, ZrCoin makes it easy to get the supply at lower rates. You only need to buy the coins when the value is low and recover ZrO2 when the token value goes up.

NOTE: While the ZrCoin presentation is impressive, some concerns have been raised about its operational design. These concerns are crucial especially to people who want to invest in the network.

  • The whitepaper provides a general overview of the concept with the target geared to make people buy the tokens especially during the ICO as opposed to understanding how the project operates.
  • The effort by the ZrCoin team to promise investors 100% return on investment makes the entire project to sound suspicious.
  • The ZrCoin roadmap ends in August 2018 and the development team is unclear of the next action.
  • The development team does not elaborate on the type of consensus algorithm that is used on the ZrCoin system.

In light of these concerns, investors should be cautious by ensuring they follow the best practices for crypto investment. For example, you should consider digging more information about the ZrCoin system before investing. You should also try to spread your investment to reduce the danger of incurring severe losses.

Finally, it is advisable to only invest the amount that you can afford to lose. This implies that when you decide to invest in ZrCoin, only invest what you have planned for investment as opposed to money for rent or medical care.







Safe Exchange Coin

What Is Safe Exchange Coin?

The crypto sector is unfolding rather fast. Starting from 2009, when Satoshi Nakamoto created the first blockchain network, the developers have been toying with the decentralized technology and taking it to every niche.

But it is the online marketplaces that are helping to advance the concept of cryptocurrencies to the community for mass adoption.

One notable marketplace today is the Safe Exchange. The platform also features its native coin referred to as Safe Exchange Coin (SEC).

  • What is safe exchange Coin

Safe Exchange Coin (SEC) is a decentralized and peer2peer cryptocurrency designed for the Safe Exchange market. The exchange and the Coin were developed in 2016 by Daniel Dabek who wanted to provide the community with a flexible system for arranging and settling private or safe contracts.

During the launch, a total of 2.12 billion Coins were created. Note that though the tokens were meant to be the primary method of payment in the Safe Exchange system, they are also effective in sending value using the cryptocurrency exchanges.

  • A closer look at the performance of the Coin Safe Exchange Coin

After launching the Safe Exchange, the SEC tokens were also released into the market in February 2016. At this point, the value was $0.00021. The price remained within the range of $0.00021and $0.0007 until April 2017.

Starting from May 2017, the price took an upward trend and hit a peak of $0.01 in August before shifting downwards to $0.007 in early November 2017. In December 2017, the price took a sharp uptrend hitting the peak of $0.84 in January 2018. This was the highest mark in the coin’s history.

But this positive gain was short lived. The price started falling immediately after hitting the peak. By early February, the price had dropped to $0.01 before edging further downwards to $0.012 in April 2018.

Notably, the price of the Safe Exchange Coin (SEC) stabilized around April and has remained around $0.01 until the close of the third quarter of 2018. The early sign of recovery as other tokens continue with the downward trend is an indicator of the potential that SEC hold for growth.

What is the problem that Safe Exchange Coin Solves?

As the cryptocurrency niche continues growing at a fast rate, the crypto community, and blockchain experts are in agreement that the niche is faced by a plethora of challenges. To advance the blockchain technology, different parties propose new ideologies or execute them to demonstrate how the industry can benefit. The following are the main problems that the Safe Exchange Coin (SEC) solves.

  • Poor adoption of blockchain technology in the market

Though cryptocurrencies and new tokens keep entering the market at a rapid rate, the adoption and application into the society have been wanting. In many cases, it is the investors who rush to buy tokens when they are announced in an ICO.

As investors lock the coins awaiting the demand to go up and sell at a profit, the society is left with limited tokens to use in other operations. In some cases, the altcoins left in the market require a lengthy process to convert to the supported coins for purchase.

The adoption of cryptocurrencies has also been concentrated in the financial sector as other areas are left out. For example, the top three cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, Ripple,  and Bitcoin Cash, are largely focused on the financial sector. Safe Exchange Coin (SEC) seeks to change this trend by targeting other niches.

  • Lack of privacy in the conventional

If you decide to send funds via the centralized financial service providers, the transactions are not secret. A wide array of people including cashiers and bank managers can access the finical records. This is not all.

The political leadership, development planners, and even courts of law can also ask for and get your financial records. This easy access to financial records can make you an easy target by lawyers or even cybercriminals.

 Safe Exchange Coin (SEC) seeks to address the problem through complete decentralization. The target is ensuring that only you can know the account balance and get access the financial history.

  • Negative perception about the cryptocurrencies

Starting with the launch of Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency niche has been associated with a lot of negative things. Many governments discourage their citizens from using digital coins indicating that they are high-risk undertakings and people should not shift to them.

Take the case of the European Union. The EU Commission together with EU Central Bank have been discouraging people from using crypto coins. The EU Central Bank argues that using digital coins raises the danger of total loss and could compromise the efficiency or different financial institutions to implement their mandate.

The target of Safe Exchange Coin (SEC) with regard to this issue is portraying the digital coins positively. The focus is on demonstrating the coins being used securely and seamlessly in the market.

How Does Safe Exchange Coin Solve The Problem?

When Daniel Dabek started thinking of creating a decentralized exchange platform, he knew that success was only possible if he addressed some of the issues in the market. Here is a demonstration of how Safe Exchange token (SEC) solves the problems:

  • Safe Exchange operates as a decentralized marketplace

The decentralized exchange is the most crucial component used to address the outlined issues. As the name suggests, it is an open place that allows members to sell anything across the globe. The platform operates as a common marketplace which implies that any person can join and use the platform to sell or buy products.

The Safe Exchange has standardized agreements that can be purchased or sold just like stocks, bonds, and commodities. People on the platform can also perform complex operations such as real estate transactions and receiving dividends. All the payments on the network are paid using Safe Exchange Coin (SEC).

  • The Safe Exchange operates as a completely decentralized platform

Many challenges in the blockchain niche today can be addressed through decentralization. Safe Exchange operates as a completely decentralized system to improve efficiency. Decentralization of Safe Exchange system can be seen in two ways.

One, the Safe Exchange Coin is completely decentralized. This implies that sending value on the system takes place on a peer2peer basis without involving centralized third parties such as banks or credit cards. Payment made using the peer2peer system is cheaper and clears faster compared to the conventional banking system.

Two, the Safe Exchange platform is governed by a Decentralized Board of Trade that progressively monitors the system to ensure that the operational protocol is adhered to. To participate in the Decentralized Board of Trade, you will are required to be a member of the Safe Exchange network and own some SEC.

  • The application of Financial Information Exchange Protocol

This is an electronic communication protocol that facilitates the real-time exchange of information about securities and markets. The platform utilizes Safe Network’s privacy and security features to facilitate the exchange of value for prompt payment.

What makes Safe Exchange Coin better than it’s competitors?

When the Safe Exchange Coin was introduced into the market, the competition was already stiff. Therefore, the development team has to craft winning strategies to weather the competition. Here are some of the things that make Safe Exchange Coin better than competitors.

  • The coin and its platform are completely decentralized

Unlike the fiat currencies that are run in a centralized way, the Safe Exchange Coin is completely decentralized. This implies that users are able to bypass the centralized organizations. Therefore, transactions are fast and reliable.

  • It allows users to join, own and govern the platform

As a decentralized system, the platform is not owned by the creator. Rather, it is owned and managed by the nodes spread in the Safe Exchange network across the globe. For those who own some Safe Exchange Coins, they can become members of the Decentralized Board of Trade.

  • The cost of sending value on the platform is very low

The cost of sending value on Safe Exchange is cheaper compared to the conventional banking system. Because transactions are completed on a peer2peer basis, there are no middle-man charges. The only small cost involved is for helping to maintain the network.

Because the value of Safe Exchange Coin is still small compared to others such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, it implies sending value is also lower than them. However, the development team will need to relook at the charges for sending funds when the value of the native coin increases.

  • It allows users to buy or sell anything on the marketplace

Unlike most coins such as Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash in the market today that only facilitate the sending of value, the Safe Exchange Coin is different.  The Safe Exchange provides a safe platform that allows traders and individuals to list and sell anything to people with Safe Exchange Coins.

How can Safe Exchange Coin be categorized?

Safe Exchange Coin is a decentralized and innovative coin that is helping to redefine the blockchain niche. The unique design of its native platform and impressive features such as the Decentralized Board of Trade and Financial Information Exchange Protocol has demonstrated that the blockchain can address the issues affecting it through creativity.

But the most impressive feature that has set the platform apart is the marketplace. This implies that people with native Safe Exchange Coins no longer need to wonder where they will use their coins. They only need to find the items they want on the marketplace.

What’s Safe Exchange Coin’s vision on Security

The Safe Exchange Coin’s vision of security is to become the most secure exchange in the industry. The target of the development team was to demonstrate that people can use their coins without worrying about attacks. Here are some of the methods used to keep the network secure:

  • The development team progressively reviews the system to identify vulnerabilities and address them to avoid attacks.
  • The platform operates as a completely decentralized system. This method helps to ensure that there is no single point of failure. It also facilitates even distribution of native coins to prevent the danger of 51% attack.
  • The Safe Exchange platform is fully encrypted. From user details to transaction info, all the details are encrypted to reduce the risk of successful hacking by cybercriminals.

Examples of Safe Exchange Coin’s use cases / applications

One method of gauging how valuable a coin is in the market is carefully reviewing the use cases. The following are the main applications of Safe Exchange Coin.

  • You can use the coin to pay for products and services on the Safe Exchange marketplace.
  • If you want to invest in the cryptocurrencies, it is advisable to select high potential tokens such as Safe Exchange Coin. Even though the coin was on a bearish trend just like other cryptos like Bitcoin between January and October 2018, it demonstrated early signs of recovery.
  • Use the Safe Exchange Coin to send funds on a peer2peer basis. As a decentralized network, users only need to have the public address of the payee to send value. Note that unlike the banking systems that close at night and weekends, you can use Safe Exchange Coin every day including holidays.
  • Trade Safe Exchange Coin in the markets. Like other cryptocurrencies such as Monero, you can join the market and trade the Safe Exchange Coin for optimal reward. Note that trading the coins in the market will require you to select an exchange such as Binance and create a trading account.
  • Use the Safe Exchange Coin to pay for taxes in your country. If your country allows residents to pay taxes using cryptos,  go ahead and pay with SEC. One jurisdiction that has recently passed a legislation to accept cryptos for tax services payment is Arizona.

In April 2018, the Arizona parliament passed Bill HB 1091 that requires the tax authorities to accept cryptos. When a resident pays taxes with Safe Exchange Coins, they are exchanged into USD and credited to your tax account. Other countries that support cryptos include Singapore, Switzerland, and Venezuela.



