What Is BitCNY?

The launch of the first blockchain network in 2009 opened the globe to a new way of looking at financial transactions. By supporting a completely decentralized model of sending funds, Satoshi Nakamoto ushered the next generation of cryptocurrencies. However, the cryptographic community was fast to craft new types of digital assets. Welcome to smart coins.

Smart coins are cryptocurrencies are coins that are based on the fiat currencies.

One of the early smart coins to hit the market was BitCNY. It is one of the older cryptocurrencies launched in 2014 with the target of advancing the cryptocurrency’s adoption in the market.

  • A closer look at BitCNY

BitCNY was created by Dan Larimer (founder of Bitshares and EOS) and Charles Hoskinson Charles (founder of Cardano).  The coin is linked to the Chinese currency Yuan. This puts it in the same group with other coins based on real assets and fiat currencies such as the BitGold, BitUSD, and BitEUR.

At this point, it is important to note that Larimer has been associated with other coins linked to fiat currencies such as Steem Dollar and Gold Backed by Golos (GBG).

BitCNY is based on the Bitshares blockchain and its value follows that of the Yuan.

  • The BitCNY price performance in the markets

The primary goal of creating BitCNY was to stabilize the cryptocurrencies in the market. This is reflected by the price performance of BitCNY in the exchanges. For the entire period that BitCNY has been in the market, the price has remained relatively stable.

When BitCNY entered the market in September 2014, the price was $0.169. The price remained within the same range and only changed slightly to $0.145 by early October 2018.

The only major deviation reported in the BitCNY’s price was in October 13th, 2015 when it rose to $0.261. However, the upward deviation did not last as the price dropped back to $0.15 in the subsequent week. In 2017, the price range of BitCNY was between $0.16 and $0.13.

The stability depicted by BitCNY implies that the digital asset is not a good option for people intending to buy for speculation. The focus was to create a reliable coin that people could easily associate with and use in their lives. Think of it this way; one BitCNY can be used to buy what one Yuan can buy.

 What is the problem that BitCNY Solves?

The BitCNY cryptocurrency was created at a time when the blockchain niche was undergoing major threats such as cyber attacks and high volatility. Therefore, the BitCNY founders had to position the coin articulately to address some of the issues. Here are the problems that BitCNY solves.

  • Poor scalability.

One of the characteristics of the blockchain networks is decentralization. This implies that they rely on a network of distributed nodes that help to secure the system. However, the decentralized nature of decentralized cryptocurrencies comes with one major problem; limited scalability.

If you take the example of Bitcoin, it is interesting that the largest and oldest network can only handle 7 transactions per second. Even the more advanced networks such as Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash can only handle 20 and 60 transactions/second respectively.

When these figures are compared to industry leaders like Visa, it implies that the blockchain niche has a long way to go. This is the gap that BitCNY sought to address.

  • High volatility.

Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile. Their prices in the market can swing to either direction within a very short time.

These movements are driven by competition, new regulation, new technology, or even a positive view about a network by the industry leaders.

For example, if an industry leader indicates that he likes a specific coin, the statement can skyrocket the price of that coin to record high.

In January 2018, the price of OMG shot up by 2500% following Vitalik’s tweet that OMG was his favorite.

Towards the end of 2017, most cryptocurrencies experienced a sharp growth in prices before tumbling and taking a bearish trend in the first, second, and third quarters of 2018.

This volatility is not good for the industry because many people fear that their funds could easily lose value. This is why Larimer settled on a BitCNY smart coin based on the Chinese coin, Yuan.

  • Poor adoption of the blockchain industry.

Though the blockchain technology has been advancing at a fast rate, the penetration into society has been poor. Even when a new startup releases new coins into the market, those who mop them out are strategic investors targeting to rake profit when the value grows.

This implies that it is still hard to get the local stores and groceries that are supporting digital coins. The BitCNY system sought to address the issue by making it easy for all to access and use.

  • Centralization of financial services.

Though the blockchain industry is over ten years, the centralized services still dominate the market. A lot of people still prefer to use the banking system even though they are slower and more expensive compared to decentralized systems.

Even with the cryptocurrencies, the centralization still follows closely through the exchanges. Even though the BitCNY, Bitcoin, and Zcash coins among others are private, there is a risk of personal information getting to third parties when trading in the exchanges.

How Does BitCNY Solve The Problem?

When Larimer and Hoskinson decided to work on the BitCNY project, they were clear about the problems outlined above. As industry experts, they wanted to provide a new way that would demonstrate cryptocurrencies in a positive way and encourage more people to use it. Here are the methods used to address the problems.

  • BitCNY operates as a smart coin

To help address the serious issue of price instability, BitCNY operates as a smart coin attached to the Chinese Yuan. This implies that the coin utilizes the Chinese administration strategies such as printing of more notes or buying them from the market to keep the Yuan stable. If you buy some BitCNY coins, you can rest without worrying they will lose value because of the market volatility.

  • Use of a decentralized exchange

The cryptocurrency industry has been reeling from the reality that even with the decentralization that the industry sought for many years, the centralized exchanges could choke everything. Traders are required to open accounts and verify them with personal information that can be used to identify them. For example, Coinbase is now sharing the records of traders with IRS. To address the problem, BitCNY uses a decentralized exchange referred to as BitShares.

BitShares allows users to trade without joining a centralized exchange. The details of your wallet public address are ample to help facilitate the exchange of your BitCNY for other coins. The decentralized exchange model is being considered the next big thing in the industry.

  • A completely decentralized network

The BitCNY system operates as a completely decentralized network controlled by nodes spread across the globe. This means that the platform does not belong to the founders or the development team. Rather, it is owned by the nodes that operate in its system.

Total decentralization implies that the platform does not have a single point of failure like the conventional financial services. The distributed model also helps to ensure that coins are not dominated by one party. This helps to pull down the risk of 51% attack.

What makes bitCNY better than it’s competitors?

Every cryptocurrency entering the market has to face the fast-growing list of digital assets that target the same audience. Today, there are more than 1600 cryptocurrencies that BitCNY has to compete with in the market. Here are some of the things that make BitCNY better than competitors.

  • The BitCNY has provided a reliable solution to decentralized financial services. As a completely decentralized platform, BitCNY has helped users to address all the issues associated with centralization. This means that users can now join, buy coins and save money without worrying about losing funds or getting discovered by third parties.
  • The BitCNY coins have been in the market for long and proved stable. Having been created in 2014, BitCNY has been in the market for long enough and its design proved to be stable. When new coins are released into the market, people are worried whether they are pump and dump systems or will fail after a short while. In the case of BitCNY, the platform has been tested and users can now join without worrying of losing their money.
  • The platform is led by some of the best blockchain minds in the industry. Dan Larimer and Charles Hoskinson are some of the top minds that have helped to shape the blockchain niche for more than 8 years. Their association to BitCNY has helped to build trust from the community that expects new impressive features.
  • It is a reliable platform for saving money without worrying that it will suffer from industry volatility. Many people have been shying away from using other blockchain networks such as Loopring and Stellar because their coins are highly volatile and can result in major losses. But BitCNY is a stable coin because it is tagged to the Chinese Yuan.

This means that buying BitCNY is the same as having the same amount in a bank. However, the BitCNY system is better because the platform is completely decentralized, private and free from third-party seizures.

  • It is a reliable method of sending funds faster on a peer2peer basis. Because BitCNY platform operates as a completely decentralized system, they are cheaper and faster because there are no profit-seeking organizations involved.

How can BitCNY be categorized

BitCNY can be categorized as a completely decentralized and stable coin that is helping to redefine the blockchain niche. The platform has demonstrated that issues of scalability, stability, and centralized financial services can be solved without foregoing the original dream of blockchain technology founders.

The experience and commitment of the founders to progressively improve the blockchain niche have helped to shine a new ray of hope to the industry. Now, more people can join the industry and operate without worrying that their details will get discovered by third parties or value of invested money will devalue.

What’s BitCNY’S vision on Security?

To make BitCNY more attractive to individual and corporate users, the founders worked extra hard to strengthen the core code of the platform. Other methods used to help keep the BitCNY and its native network secure include;

  • Advanced encryption that helps to keep users’ assets and transaction details private.
  • Complete decentralization that helps to ensure even distribution of the BitCNY coins. This is important in preventing the risk of 51% attack.
  • The BitCNY coins are also based on a very strong

Examples of BitCNY’S use cases / applications

The success of any cryptocurrency in the market can be gauged by looking at its application. In the case of BitCNY, the coin has been a success story with a lot of players going for it because of associated convenience. Here are some of these use cases.

  • Use BitCNY to pay for transaction fee on its native network. When running transactions in the BitCNY platform, the fee is paid using the native coin, BitCNY. Note that the cost involved in transactions such as sending value is very small compared to what the banks charge for wire transfers.
  • Pay for goods and services in the stores that accept it. As more stores start supporting cryptocurrencies, BitCNY is emerging as a better option because it is more stable compared to others such as ETH and XRP. More traders also prefer it because it is faster and clears payments faster compared to banks or credit cards.
  • Use BitCNY to save your funds. The stability brought by the fact that BitCNY is tagged to Chinese Yuan implies that people can rely on the coin to save funds without worrying of high volatility.
  • BitCNY is a reliable medium of sending value. The BitCNY is a reliable coin for sending value on a peer2peer basis across the globe. Because there is no centralized and profit-seeking organization involved, the transactions are fast, cheap, and reliable.



What Is FairCoin?

FairCoin is a decentralized and open-source cryptocurrency created in 2014 for use in the Faircoop ecosystem.

It was created with unique features for facilitating saving money at low ecological cost.

Unlike other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin that use proof of work (PoW) algorithm or Dash that employ proof of stake (PoS) consensus model, FairCoin uses proof of cooperation (PoC).

The cryptocurrency departs from the common mining and minting models used to release new coins in other crypto platforms. Instead, it uses certified nodes through the new PoC protocol.

  • FairCoin was founded by FairCoop

FairCoop is the Earth Cooperative started in 2014 and designed for a fair economy through the development of tools and knowledge transfer features.

It is a global cooperative that runs its operations online outside the control of administrative boundaries. Its target is to run an alternative global system that is based on ethics, solidarity and cooperation and even redistribution of wealth and justice in the globe.

The main people who were involved in the FairCoion and FairCoop platform’s development included Michael Bauwens of the Peer2peer Foundation, Enric Duran of Catalan Integral Cooperative and Amir Taaki (a Bitcoin developer).

  • The FairCoin price

The price of FairCoin started at $0.0029 in March 2014 and traded within the same range until April 2015. In May 2015, the price rose with about 4000% to hit $0.088.

In the subsequent two months, the price fell to $0.012 and remained within the range of $0.04 until May 2017 when it started rising again.

In late November 2017, the price of FairCoin broke the $1 mark. Then, it grew significantly to reach $1.17 in mid-January 2018; the highest mark in its history. Despite this huge growth, the price did not remain at the top mark for long. It started a downward trend that saw the price drop by about 1000% to $0.1.

Though the price rose marginally to $0.5 in July 2018, it went further down and stabilized at the range of $0.1 and $0.25 in the third quarter of 2018. The community has indicated it is optimistic that the price will continue growing to deliver a higher return on investment (ROI) in the coming years.

What is the problem that FairCoin solves?

Since 2009 when Satoshi Nakamoto released the Bitcoin core code, newer platforms have emerged to help advance the blockchain niche to the next level. The new platforms target to address the shortcomings of preceding coins and even the problems in the society. Here are the main problems that FairCoin seeks to address.

  • High energy costs associated with mining

Mining is the main method used to release new coins in crypto networks. The common method used for mining cryptocurrencies is the proof of work (PoW) though proof of stake (PoS) is also gaining ground. As the name suggests, proof of work (PoW) requires users to do a lot of work to solve complex puzzles to confirm transactions and confirm new blocks for a reward in the native coin.

However, this method consumes a lot of energy which makes it harmful to the environment. Here is a demonstration using the case of Bitcoin.

Digicoinomist, a cryptocurrency trucker points that the network of computers used to verify Bitcoin was drawing 3.4 Gigawatts every second in December 2017. When this is compounded to annual consumption, it implies that more than 30.1 Terawatt hours are consumed every year to mine Bitcoin.

While this value is breathtaking, think about the combined power used to mine all PoW cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, and Litecoin among others. The FairCoin’s development group wanted to see the blockchain technology advancing without endangering the environment.

  • Centralized mining

When Bitcoin was unveiled, it was possible to mine with a standard desktop or laptop. However, advancing mining technology has made it impossible to mine many cryptocurrencies with standard computing equipment. For example, it is no longer viable to mine Bitcoin without advanced mining equipment such as the Antminer S9.  However, the advanced mining equipment is expensive and, therefore, out of reach for the standard people.

The impact of the high cost of mining equipment and power requirements implies that only the well to do in the society can afford. This centralization is going against the tenets of decentralized operations. Besides, it also raises the danger of 51% attack in many networks.

  • Slow adoption of cryptocurrencies by the society

Though the blockchain niche has advanced at a very fast rate, the adoption by the mainstream community has been relatively slow. Many people investing in cryptocurrencies are largely interested in reaping from price growth as opposed to direct applications such as buying services in the stores.

One of the main reasons standing on the way of faster cryptocurrency adoption is the complexity of understanding the blockchain technology. Many people still find it very difficult to comprehend the mechanics of the blockchain technology outside the standard fiscal brackets such as banks and money sending services.

The process of owning, retrieving and using cryptocurrencies is complex. For example, owning digital coins requires one to join a cryptocurrency exchange such as Binance, Bittrex or CEX.IO, registering for an account and placing orders. Besides, you will also need to have a digital wallet and learn how to store the tokens safely.

FairCoop wants to make it easy for any person no matter the social status or location on the globe, to be able to acquire and use FairCoin.

How does FairCoin solve the problem?

To help advance the blockchain niche, the FairCoin network uses three things; the certified nodes, the proof of cooperation consensus algorithm, and distributed sub-chains.

Use of certified validated nodes (CVN)

Certified validated nodes (CVNs) are the trusted nodes used to verify transactions and add new transactions in the FairCoin network. The nodes create new blocks every 3 minutes. To operate as a CVN, the node is required to be connected on a 24/7 basis, and the TCP port 40404 should be reachable online. Other requirements to run as a node include;

  • The node’s computers must also have a public NTP server for easy synchronization.
  • The user’s wallet software must be configured in line with the certification data issued by FairCoop.
  • The user should have a smart card and a reader provided by the FairCoin development team.

Note that any person who joins the FairCoin network can qualify to become a certified node by meeting the outlined requirements. To add or remove a certified node, a small number of chain administrators are required to sign a corresponding command that is injected into the network through the wallets RPC interface.

Though the development team has indicated that the system of nodes is completely decentralized, concerns have been raised about the centralized administrators who must sign commands to change the certified nodes. In other networks using PoW, the node with the highest mining power confirms the network.

Proof of Cooperation (PoC)

This is the main strategy used to address the problems that FairCoin targets to address. PoC is a consensus algorithm used to maintain the integrity of the network. Note that the platform utilized a combination of proof of stake (PoS) and proof of work (PoW) since inception until July 2017 when it shifted to PoC consensus algorithm.

Unlike in many blockchain networks such as Bitcoin and Litecoin where all the nodes have access to the info for validating transactions, FairCoin PoC system only uses a limited number of certified validated nodes (CVN). The CVNs do the following tasks:

  • Examining the past blocks to establish the CVN that should mine the next block and publish its content.
  • Verifying validity of the previous block, its data (transactions) and confirming if the selected node is the right one to create the next block.
  • The CVN selected to create the next block collects all the signatures from participating certified nodes on a consensus about the new block. The report on consensus is stored together with the new block.

This new algorithm ensures that transactions are completed faster and the associated cost is very low. Note that any person who becomes a certified validated node does not need to have special mining equipment like the way it happens with PoW at Bitcoin.

 Distributed sub-chains

The FairCoin platform allows everybody to easily create a separate chain that hooks in the FairCoin’s main chain. This implies that you can run a parallel new chain. The focus is on ensuring that more businesses and people can easily join the blockchain industry and reap its associated benefits.

According to the FairCoin’s whitepaper, a number of certified nodes are allowed to take part in several chains. A plug-in architecture provides a method to design chains using new properties. For example, a new chain is allowed to implement a local currency based on a local network of nodes of the same city based on similar principles.

What makes FairCoin better than it’s competitors?

From the beginning, the FairCoin design was meant to provide the advantages that other networks had failed to deliver to the community. Here are the main things that make FairCoin better than its competitors.

  • The coin is ecologically sustainable

Unlike other cryptocurrencies that make people have very high power bills, people in FoirCoin system do not have to worry about high energy consumption. The system adopts a low power consumption model that facilitates smooth and fast transactions.

  • It Is Safe And Secure

Unlike the other platforms where the developers worry about the security of their clients’ information and transactions, all blocks at FairCoin system are generated cooperatively. The cooperation ensures that the network is secure.

  • The FairCoin system is very fast

FairCoin is created to facilitate the transfer of value between clients on a peer-to-peer basis. The decentralized nature of the network ensures that transactions are faster compared to the conventional banking systems. Even the integrated services that allow people on its network to use services such as prepaid cards are also very fast. They clear in less than three minutes.

  • The FairCoin system is transparent and ethical

FairCoin system was created and is operated on the principle of supporting fair business values. For example, the system does not force its clients to upgrade to other software when minor changes are made.

  • The FairCoin’s system allows more people to mine with standard devices

Unlike some of the common blockchain networks such as Bitcoin that require people only to have very advanced mining equipment, FairCoin allows people to use standard devices such as CPU.

§  FairCoin future is very bright.

The platform has built a strong community with regular meetings via online collaboration. The attachment is expected to help grow the network in both the medium and long terms.

How can FairCoin be categorized?

FairCoin is an eco-friendly cryptocurrency created to help advance the blockchain technology by demonstrating that everybody can be involved without causing adverse effects to the environment. The adoption of the new consensus algorithm, proof of cooperation (PoC) has helped people to deviate from other mining technologies that require expensive mining equipment that consume a lot of energy.

What’s Faircoin’s vision of security?

FairCoin’s mission on security is to become the most eco-friendly and secure blockchain network on the globe. The development team believes that economic and social justice can help to make everybody feel part and contribute to securing the current technological and economic systems. Some of the methods used to secure the network include:

  • Allowing anyone on the network to become a certified validated node (CVN) for an even distribution of coins. This helps to prevent the network from 51% attack.
  • In their white paper, the development team indicated that the FairCoin system stores the private keys for signing new blocks on smart cards. The cards are secured by a six digit pin that is only known to the certified validated node (CVN).

If the node puts the keys wrongly more than three times, it is blocked and can no longer be used. A new one has to be issued.

Examples of FairCoin’s use cases/ applications.

  • FairCoin allows users to link with conventional payment services. The FairCoin system has integrated a collective intelligence model that makes it possible for users to share point of sale systems, prepaid cards, and even pay for direct receipts. This is a breakthrough that will help the network to become more applicable.
  • FairCoin, like other cryptocurrencies such as Ripple, can be used as a means of sending value on a peer-to-peer basis across the globe. This is considered better than the standard banking services because transactions are fast and cheap.
  • FairCoin can be used to pay for transaction charges at the network or when trading it in the exchanges.
  • As more people join the network because of its strict focus on ethical values, the expectation is that FairCoin value will grow steadily over time. Therefore, some people are using it as a form of speculative investment.