
What is Litecoin?

Litecoin has been referred to as the silver to bitcoin, which is the gold standard for digital currencies. What this means is that Litecoin is very similar in very many ways to Bitcoin, but perhaps not as costly as the gold standard.

Like Bitcoin, Litecoin is a peer to peer cash transfer system that allows users to send, receive and make instant payments at almost zero cost all over the world.

Based on blockchain technology, Litecoin enables a system of trust between participants where they can transact without a central authority, thereby making the cost of transactions cheap.

Due to further developments in their technology litecoin has managed to create efficiency in their system to make them a noteworthy competitor to bitcoin in this space. In this article, we shall identify some striking features of litecoin that make it stand out, how it compares to other blockchain projects, the security features and potential applications of litecoin.

The technology used in litecoin is an open source system that allows other developers to code using the software. The vision behind it is this

“To provide an alternative global payment system that is secure, fast and nearly free.”

This means that individuals can send and receive cash and make payments both locally and internationally instantaneously and at almost no cost at all. Unlike traditional systems, they can do this without the need for a trusted intermediary such as the central bank.

For example, if you want to send $1,000 from California to the UK, you would probably need to visit your bank, fill out forms and then request for the transfer which could end up taking days and costing you a lot of money.


Litecoin, transferring the same equivalent of $1,000 will take you under 5 minutes and cost you less than one dollar! This is what makes litecoin attractive to businesses and traders who regularly transfer cash and make payments across borders.

The first ever litecoin transaction was made on 13th October 2011. Since then, litecoin has been used for many reasons and on many platforms including making payments on Bitcoinshop and Egift. As cryptocurrencies become more and more acceptable, we might see more shops and businesses accepting litecoin as a form of payment.

Litecoin can be purchased and sold on a number of mainstream exchanges including Binance, OKCoin, Bitfinex, Kraken, Bitstamp, and GDax. Look for LTC or XLT as the symbols used. It has been trading steadily since 2013, yearly returns in 2016 were 23.94%, 2017 saw a sharp spike to 4,714.55% while 2018 has shown a decline to -75.98 by August. Once purchased, litecoin can be stored on your computer or phone or in a hardware wallet.

Unlike bitcoin which has a total supply of 21 million coins, Litecoin has x4 supply placing it at 84 million coins. This further reinforces the idea of litecoin being the silver to bitcoin.

What is the problem that Litecoin Solves?

Litecoin was created by Charlie Lee, an ex-employee of Google who saw many inherent flaws in how bitcoin works and sought to create a complementary digital currency that would address this flaws.

Litecoin was created to take advantage of the opportunities created by blockchain technology and harness them to the maximum; trustless transactions that are decentralized, fraud-resistant (single point of failure) and efficient. Other than these strengths of blockchain technology, litecoin has additional ones which include

  • Even faster transactions than bitcoin’s
  • A more efficient mining system
  • Scalability
  • Zero cost

Let’s look at all the problems that litecoin solves individually:

1. Scalability

Scalability basically refers to the number of transactions that can be processed in a fraction of time mostly in a second. This is relevant because it determines how many users the network can sustain at a given time without “dropping the ball.”

Bitcoin, for example, has a maximum capacity of 7 transactions per second; beyond this volume, the network will be overcrowded and cave in. users will be unable to carry out any transactions on the network until this hitch is resolved.

Because of this, Charlie Lee had to create a lighter version of bitcoin which could handle more transactions per second (more frequent block generation) that would be able to cope if the adoption of the technology would increase in the future. We shall look at this aspect in detail in the following section.

2. Transaction speed

Bitcoin has been plagued with network congestion issues that have resulted in transactions hanging at critical times. Users have been forced to wait in line for their transactions to be processed not being sure of when that will actually happen.

As much as bitcoin has many appealing factors, this problem has caused apprehension in the market as such delays could result in potential losses for businesses.

3. Mining efficiency

Bitcoin uses the SHA-256 hash rate which is quite expensive to maintain. As more and more transactions are verified, subsequent transactions become increasing harder requiring more and more energy.

This is not sustainable in the long run if the cost of handling bitcoins is to remain negligible.

How does Litecoin Solve the problem?

As mentioned earlier, Litecoin uses blockchain technology to enable peer to peer transactions that are secure, cheap and fast. It’s important to first understand how a blockchain works before we look at how litecoin solves some of the weaknesses in bitcoin’s blockchain model.

Transactions initiated in the blockchain are interpreted as complex mathematical computations that need to be solved by miners who carry out the work. Once transactions are verified and confirmed as valid, they are added to the latest block which will be added to the blockchain once all transactions added to it have been verified.

Once added to the blockchain this becomes irreversible and the record can be viewed by all participants in the network. Practically speaking, say you want to send your litecoin to John in Kosovo, you initiate the transaction which is interpreted as a complex mathematical problem.

The miners get into the work to verify that you actually own that litecoin and it has been sent to the rights address. The miners get rewarded for this work with new litecoins generated through the “mining” process. This method of verification is referred to as the proof of work algorithm and both bitcoin and litecoin use this algorithm.

With litecoin, transactions are completed every 2.5 minutes, meaning that John in Kosovo will receive his litecoin in less than three minutes. Once complete, this transaction is immutable and irreversible.

1. Faster transaction speed

As much as bitcoin is a pace setter in creating seamless cash transfers across the globe, litecoin has even faster transaction speeds than bitcoin. Litecoin uses a script algorithm which is faster and more energy saving to make this possible. It takes 10 minutes to confirm each block on the bitcoin blockchain, while it takes a fourth of this (2.5 minutes) to confirm each block on the litecoin blockchain. This means that sending digital currency on the litecoin system is much faster than it is on the bitcoin blockchain. . This is very important if Litecoin is to be the go- to global cash transfer system

2. Scalability

We had mentioned scalability and what it means above. Scalability basically is the ability to handle more transactions as the need arises. The different algorithm (script algorithm) used by litecoin enables it to have faster transaction times as elaborated above. With this, scalability is possible. Bitcoin can handle up to 7 transactions per second while litecoin can handle up to 56 transactions per second. Compounded to minutes, hours and days the difference is not comparable. As more and more users adopt blockchain technology, scalability will be of the highest essence.

3. Efficiency in mining

Mining refers to the process through which transactions on the blockchain are verified and validated by nodes that are referred to as miners.

They work in a type of consensus model through different models, the most common being proof of work and proof of stake.

Both Bitcoin and Litecoin use the proof of work model, meaning that miners are rewarded for the actual work of confirming transactions and validating them on the blockchain.

However, a slight difference exists which gives litecoin a superior edge. Bitcoin uses the SHA-256 hash rate which basically means that the mathematical computations of solving the puzzles become harder as more transactions are processed. Eventually, the miners will have to use more and more computing power to solve these puzzles.

Currently, the hardware being used by bitcoin miners is the ASIC which is rather expensive.

The litecoin blockchain, on the other hand, uses a slightly different system called the Script algorithm which allows miners to mine using Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) which are way cheaper. With the cost of mining being much cheaper, transactions on the litecoin blockchain can occur at insignificant costs.

This is what makes it very cheap to make payments on the litecoin blockchain.

What makes Litecoin better than its competitors?

Bitcoin is just one of the Litecoin competitors. Others include Ripple, Neucoin and EOS among others. Most of these use the SHA256 hash rate algorithms in creating new coins.

This means that more and more power must be used to maintain the network, it is a race for the mighty.

Litecoin, on the other hand, uses an algorithm known as a script that is based on GPU which is not dependent on the amount of power thrown in to produce more coins.

This means that unlike its competitors, Litecoins can be generated at a steadier rate than the competition.

How can LitecoIn be categorized?

Litecoin is a digital currency that allows for peer to peer transfers of digital currency efficiently and at minimal cost. Due to the technology incorporated, it can also be classified as a cybersecurity currency.

Litecoin’s vision on Security?

Litecoin security is based on the technology behind it.

First, there is blockchain technology which is a decentralized system. In a centralized system such as those we have in traditional banking systems, all information is stored in a centralized vault which can be attacked.

On a blockchain, there is no central server with information as the whole chain contains blocks with copies of information.

This means that there is no central point that can be attacked to tamper with information. This is what makes the blockchain a secure system, more than the traditional banking system.

Examples of Litecoin use cases / applications.

One of the greatest selling points of litecoin is the efficiency it affords users, being very cheap and super fast. This makes it very appealing to businesses which need fast transaction times.

Litecoin is also ideal for making micropayments because the cost of making litecoin transfers and payments is negligible compared to bitcoin. It is also very easy to integrate litecoin into a company website using plugins to allow customers to pay using litecoins.

With litecoin, you can list your business on their website as a business that accepts litecoins as payment. Companies already accepting litecoin payments include Cryptojeweller which stocks jewelry, Overstock which is similar to Amazon, Torguard, Bitcoinshop, Cryptothrift and Blackforest Vapes among others.

Cryptocurrencies have been a subject of contention for many governments for some time now. They have been received with love and hate in equal measure, probably because they present opportunity and risk in similar measure.

As much as they present an opportunity for better and more efficient business systems, the fact that they are decentralized systems that may circumvent governmental processes poses a regulatory challenge.

Litecoin has shown unique strengths that are superior in some ways to bitcoin and other similar cryptocurrencies.

This has made it gain traction in a short while and be ranked among the top cryptocurrencies in the market.

As much as 2018 has been a bloodbath for the cryptocurrency space, Litecoin has managed to maintain a considerable following and many predict that it is one to bounce back should the market have a bull run any time in the near future. But this largely depends on whether governments and big corporations will favor the space allowing cryptocurrencies to gain mainstream acceptance.



What is Stratis?

Stratis is a blockchain development platform created to provide solutions to businesses wishing to make use of blockchain technology but may be lacking the technological know-how or sufficient capital.

The platform allows users to create and deploy blockchain-based applications using a simple programming language that is familiar with many developers; C+ and Microsoft ’s.Net framework.

Stratis aims to simplify the process of blockchain adoption for companies and make it cheaper by allowing the companies to deploy their blockchain applications on the Stratis blockchain using the Stratis infrastructure.

In a nutshell, Stratis is a Blockchain–as–a–service platform that offers turnkey solutions for blockchain adoption in the financial sector.

With the solutions that they offer companies can enjoy blockchain solutions at a fraction of the time and cost that it would ideally take them.

Stratis also allows privacy into blockchain solutions by enabling private sidechains on its platform. Below are some of the unique features of the Stratis platform that allow it to offer the solutions that they do effectively.

Stratis Full node

This is the backbone of the Stratis platform and it implements both the STRAT and BTC protocols. Full Nodes are able to autonomously validate block transactions and serve the blocks and transactions to other networks.

The full node is an open source software built in C#, several features can be excluded or included depending on the user’s preferences.

Stratis sidechains

Side chains are a unique feature of the Stratis blockchain which is supported by the Stratis full node. The technology behind this is quite complicated and is referred to as a Two-Way Federated Peg.

A simple illustration of how this works is this:” think of a side chain as a foreign country and the Stratis mainchain as the user’s home country. The federation secures an amount of the foreign currency (in this case APEX), which it can loan to sidechain visitors in return for depositing STRAT.

When a user returns home, they can relinquish their APEX and withdraw the equivalent amount in STRAT on the main chain.”

Side chains are also written in C#.

Stratis Academy

Stratis has an Academy that helps developers learn how to use the Stratis blockchain. This is very necessary as blockchain technology is an emerging technology that is unfamiliar to many developers.

The Academy also helps the users to make sound applications of the Stratis blockchain across different sectors of the economy. This will go a long way in enhancing the adoption of blockchain technology in the market.

What is the problem that Stratis Solves?

Blockchain technology presents a lot of opportunities for businesses across the spectrum.

Blockchains such as Ethereum have allowed businesses to set up decentralized applications to simplify processes and make them more efficient.

As much as this has worked well for a number of businesses, it has not sufficed for businesses seeking a form of privacy and control over their systems.

For example, businesses have no control over the course of development of the ethereum blockchain and any attack on this blockchain could significantly impact on their private business. In addition, Solidity is the only programming language used on the Ethereum blockchain.

This programming language is not familiar with many developers who may be willing to work on the Ethereum blockchain. This makes the learning curve very steep for many would be blockchain developers.

It is because of these inherent weaknesses in the existing blockchains that Stratis was conceptualized. The hope is that through Stratis this problems will be addressed and this will allow large-scale adoption of blockchain technology.

Stratis has created an integrative system that combines the unique strengths of the bitcoin blockchain with its own unique capabilities to offer a better blockchain solution to the market.

How does Stratis Solve the problem?

Stratis offers blockchain as a service to companies to bridge the gap between the solutions offered by the large public blockchains and the specific needs of private businesses.

Stratis has employed various strategies to make it possible for companies to fully utilize their platform to their advantage. For example, companies do not need to support an entire blockchain network and incur huge costs because they can access what they need directly.

This makes it very affordable for companies to try out the Stratis blockchain and customize for themselves unique solutions. Let us look at methods that Stratis has devised to get around this:

1. One- click deployment

This feature enhances ease of use on the Stratis platform. With just a click a user can deploy an entire sidechain from the main Stratis blockchain and customize it to suit their needs.

Not only that but with yet another click the user deploy a side chain to other major blockchains such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, and BitShares among others. This will allow the user to tap into unique features of the linked blockchains.

2. Side chains

As mentioned earlier, with just a click a user can deploy a private side chain that is customizable to the user’s needs.

Once deployed, the user can make changes on the private sidechains that will not affect the other chains in the network. The deployed side chain is highly customizable to suit the needs of the business.

In addition, the deployed chain retains all the security features present in the parent chain. The user can also choose which features to adapt from the parent chain and which ones to leave. These are some of the reasons that make private sidechains very enticing to businesses.

As much as companies may be tempted to use well known of public blockchains such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, with a private blockchain they will be able to have control over the chain and its development. Also, Stratis has significantly faster confirmation times.

3. Fiat gateway integration

This feature being built onto the Stratis blockchain will allow for the integration of fiat currencies into the platform through a gateway.

This means that companies will be able to move fiat currencies to the blockchain through the creation of digital tokens that are equal in value to fiat currencies. With this feature, businesses can remain compliant with regulatory systems even as they transition to the Stratis blockchain.

4. ICO platform

Startis is developing an ICO platform that will allow blockchai projects to launch their ICOs on the Stratis platform.

5. Three tier architecture

The Stratis platform utilizes a three tier architecture that is similar to that of Microsoft.

This is another feature that will make it easy for the numerous programmers familiar with Microsoft’s software to be able to adapt easily to Stratis.

6. High scalability and performance

With the increasing demand for blockchain technology, blockchain software needs to be highly scalable in order to meet this demand.

There needs to be infrastructure in place that will be able to handle the demands placed on it without giving in, failure to which there will be a resultant compromise in the integrity of the system.

An example of congestion in the system has been witnessed in instances where the bitcoin blockchain has not been able to complete transactions in the stipulated time.

This effect can be detrimental for businesses when processes cannot be completed in the stipulated time which could eventually mean losses for the business. Ideally, all blockchains should allow room for expansion to cater for increased volumes of transactions.

As this has not been the case, Stratis has created an option for flexible blockchains that can be configured to ideal chain sizes and block sizes to suit a company’s transactional needs. This allows companies to tailor make their unique blockchains that will be ideal for them.

What makes Stratis better than its competitors?

Other Blockchain as a service platforms include Lisk and Ethereum. Ethereum is well known of due to its features that allow for the development of smart contracts and decentralized applications.

Unlike Ethereum, Lisk offers the option for side chains similar to Stratis. However, Stratis uses C++ while Lisk uses Javascript for programming. This makes Lisk more publicly available and on the flip side, Stratis is more appealing to users who value privacy.

Stratis also competes with the Bitcoin blockchain and it presents the following superior advantages:

  • Stratis uses the same code for its main chain as well as the side chains. Due to this, the resulting interface is compatible with the main chain allowing the chains to interact. This allows the private chain to incorporate new features from the main chain easily. However, it is up the business to decide whether they want to maintain this interactive interface with the main chain.
  • Unlike other blockchains, Stratis allows for the deployment of private blockchains that businesses seeking some form of privacy and control can utilize.
  • Stratis allows developers to fully customize the private chains to suit their business needs.
  • Stratis allows business to utilize cloud computing. This means that businesses can deploy their blockchain based applications on the cloud and not need to maintain the network for themselves.
  • Stratis allows for one click linkage with other blockchains such as Litecoin, Dogecoin and Ripple among others.
  • Stratis allows for the integration with fiat gateways which allows for seamless transfer of fiat currencies.
  • Stratis uses C# and Microsoft’s .net as the primary programming language for its blockchain. This is more familiar for most developers globally as opposed to Solidity which is used on the ethereum blockchain.
  • Stratis has a three tier architecture which is similar to that of Microsoft. This makes it easy for developers to navigate the blockchain.

How can Stratis be categorized?

Stratis is a blockchain as a service platform that allows for dapps to be built on it and STRAT is a cryptocurrency.

Stratis’s vision of Security?

Stratis is a blockchain project with all the inherent security features of the blockchain.

Stratis utilizes cryptography to create security for the transactions on its platform. In addition to this Stratis utilizes KYC and AML services which are integrated on the platform via a technology reffered to as Onfido. Startis is in the process of developing a Breeze wallet which should launch soon.

This will allow users to store funds securely.

Examples of Stratis use cases / applications.

Startis offers Blockchain solutions, a service that can be utilized by fintech businesses to adopt blockchain technology with ease.

Moreover, it allows for the creation of private blockchains which can be used by private businesses to customize their own blockchains that suit their business needs.

The side chains carry the same security features as the main chain and they can be accessed via lite clients and  APIs.

In addition, these side chains can be linked to other public blockchains from which they can get additional features. When businesses launch their private blockchains on the Stratis blockchain they are able to save a lot on costs.

Stratis also allows businesses to use their technological resources so that the businesses do not have to start developing their blockchains from scratch. Launching on the Stratis blockchain allows the companies to make use of the features present in the major blockchains.

  • Partnership with Earthtwine

Stratis formed a partnership with Earthtwine to create the world’s first blockchain for seafood.

The plan is for Stratis to create private blockchains, tokens and applications for Earthtwine’s global seafood tracking systems. Earthtwine will enjoy all the features of the Stratis blockchain including fiat gateway adoption.

This could potentially transform the sea food industry by creating efficiency in the system. Stratis can also be beneficial in creating transparency in medical research, in provenance tracking, in identity management and in data recording and management.

Perhaps the most innovative feature of the Stratis blockchain is the development of the highly flexible and adaptive sidechains.

As much as the public blockchains such as bitcoin and ethereum have a lot to offer to users, Stratis has gone the extra mile to offer a customizable solution that appeals to private business models.

Their choice of programming language has also created a gentle learning curve for developers transitioning to the blockchain. The success or otherwise of the Earthtwine project will be a great predictor of how Stratis will fair in the market eventually.