
What is GameCredits?

Gaming is one of the most lucrative industries in as far as technology is concerned. According to research, one in three people you come across are gamers. It does not have to be a high-res game like Call of Duty, but games as simple as Candy Crush do count. While some of your popular games might not have embraced blockchain technology yet, that is the direction the gaming industry as a whole is taking, and it is only a matter of time before your beloved games are on the blockchain.

GameCredits is the universal currency and virtual wallet that is used by more than 2.6 billion gamers all over the world. GameCredits is more than just a virtual wallet and currency, it sparks a revolution in gaming as we know it.

To come up with a product as innovative as GameCredits, the team is made up of ardent gamers. These are people who have enjoyed some of the best games for years, and as a result, they know the workings of different gaming platforms, and more importantly, some of the challenges that gamers face every time they are on their consoles, phones, computers or any other device that they use to play their games.

With a passion for gaming comes the desire for programming. The concept behind GameCredits is that there is a lot of room for improvement in the gaming industry, and if this were to happen, there is a lot in store for the entire ecosystem, developers, and gamers alike.

Through cryptocurrency, it is possible to tap the potential of the gaming industry for all the stakeholders and make sure that everyone has an amazing experience. From developers to publishers, professional gamers and casual gamers, blockchain technology will definitely revolutionize gaming.

Other than the GameCredits cryptocurrency (GAME) there are a lot of other products that are leveraged on blockchain technology that has been introduced in the market, products that are making things easier, and better for gaming enthusiasts all over the world.

What is the problem that GameCredits Solves?

There are lots of challenges that face gamers and developers. Other than the inherent challenges that arise as a result of the basic nature of the conventional gaming platform, there have also been challenges since the initial adoption of blockchain technology.

Traditionally, privacy has always been a thorn in the flesh of many gamers. It is virtually impossible for you to play and maintain an anonymous profile. This has left a lot of high-profile gamers frustrated when their profiles were hacked. Hacks do not just go after the user’s profile, but also the in-game credits and so much more.

Developers are not safe either. It is very easy for someone to hack their devices and steal their source code, a vice that has seen a lot of developers lose their work, or end up with frivolous IP lawsuits.

Other than the hacks, it takes a very long time to process transactions especially credit card transactions. Some developers have to wait around 60 days before their payments can be made available to them. This is very inconveniencing.

Speed is another problem that has plagued the gaming industry over the years. Gamers and developers need to be able to purchase and sell games faster, seamlessly and more privately. This has not been possible, especially with all the phishing attempts and credit card information being stolen online.

How does GameCredits Solve the problem?

Fraudulent Purchases

Virtual purchases have met several problems in the past. More than 50% of all purchases are made fraudulently. This is something that is addressed by GameCredits. Through blockchain technology, GameCredits offers developers, gamers and other interested parties an assurance that all transactions carried out on the platform are legitimate, and there is no chance of fraud. Reducing the fraud risk from 50-99% to 0% is not a small feat.

Anonymous Gaming

Other than fraudulent purchases, gamers also have to worry about their privacy when connected to their gaming ecosystem. There is always the risk of hackers or anyone else who might be interested in your data for one reason or the other, compromising your security when you are connected to the gaming universe. GameCredits takes care of this risk. When using GameCredits, you enjoy anonymous transactions. Your activities cannot be traced.

Credit Card Transactions

As mentioned earlier, credit card transactions often take a very long time before they can be processed by the relevant banks or financial institutions. On average, these can take up to 60 days to pull through. However, GameCredits has designed a payment system that is a complete game changer. Instead of waiting 60 days, users can now look forward to their transactions terminating in around 60 hours.

Prioritize Gamers and Developers

The two groups of people who matter most in the world of gaming are usually the ones who get the raw end of the deal. The biggest winners are the intermediaries who connect gamers and developers. Through GameCredits, however, this changes. All the attention is focused on the people who introduce the games into the market, and the people who play the games. GameCredits does away with intermediaries and storefronts who have traditionally felt more entitled to the hard work of developers, and the time and resources of gamers.

Decentralized Gaming

Gaming is a culture. It adds more value to our lives than most people give it credit for. Games can be a good learning tool, used as a sport or act as a stress reliever. Gaming serves pretty much the same purpose that listening to music, reading or watching movies does.

Through the internet of value, blockchain platforms like GameCredits are out to break down the institutionalization of games, and instead decentralize gaming to make it fairer, and open up gaming for a lot of people.

Apart from decentralization, GameCredits also brings a sense of diversity and innovation in gaming. There is no monopoly on gaming talent all over the world. For this reason, the GameCredits platform is an avenue where anyone who has the required skills is welcome to help advance the concept of cryptocurrency in gaming.

What makes GameCredits better than the competitors?

There are many blockchain platforms out there, and quite a number that targets gamers and developers. What sets GameCredits apart from the rest? GameCredits beats the competition on two fronts; from a developer’s perspective, and from the gamer’s perspective.


By using GameCredits, gamers are guaranteed to have the best gaming experience ever. The system has been designed to be seamless with whichever gaming platform in use. When making in-game payments, these are done without any hassles. You do not even need to key in your credit card details. Yours is to focus on playing and beating the levels, creating unbeatable high scores.

Traditionally, there are limits to the amount you can deposit in a gaming environment. This has been prohibitive and leaves a lot of hardcore gamers at a disadvantage. However, the GameCredits wallet allows you to deposit as much currency as you need. There are no limits shoved down your throat.

When using the GameCredits wallet, you can transfer credits you have earned from one game to another. This means that you can keep playing one game that you are so good at, to earn credits that you can use to boost your play or purchase in-game resources from another game altogether.

It is always so intrusive when you sign into your device to play, and the game collects your personal information to sign you into the account. When playing through GameCredits, however, you have the power to send money anonymously. Your private information stays private and personal.


The delay in receiving payments is no longer something you have to worry about. Through GameCredits, you will get your payments processed faster, in 60 hours at most. Given the developments and innovation that is invested in this blockchain platform, you can look forward to an even shorter payment processing period as the GameCredits ecosystem keeps advancing into the future.

Over the years, traditional gaming platforms have made it difficult for most developers to advance their careers. This is done by limiting your deposits. By limiting the deposit limits, this is a huge roadblock in your revenue stream. GameCredits is a game changer because, in this system, there are no limits on deposits.

Security is always a concern for anything or anyone that is connected to the internet. Many gamers and developers in the past have been victims of hacks. GameCredits maintains an immutable blockchain ledger. This means that the last thing you will ever need to worry about is a fraudulent transaction. Besides, in this ecosystem, you can proceed to design your games without worrying about your source code being stolen or something of the sort.

Commissions always hurt everyone’s pocket. When you develop an app for Apple store or Google Play, they take 30% of your hard work. That is so much money, considering that they can always block you or remove your app from their store at will. However, with GameCredits, you get to keep 90% of your earnings. Yes, that’s true. You only pay 10% in commission.

How can GameCredits be categorized?

GameCredits is a universal gaming currency. It is a standardized cryptocurrency that can be used in gaming platforms all over the world. As a payment platform, it is fast, secure and safe for gaming apps and websites.

What’s GameCredits’ vision on Security?

GameCredits is working hard to change the perception and perspective of gaming security as we have known it over the years. More often, in the traditional gaming platforms, developers and gamers alike are on their own. You are in charge of your own security. However, GameCredits takes advantage of the impeccable blockchain security protocols to make things better.

Both gamers and developers can now enjoy their unique roles in a gaming ecosystem without worrying about intrusive credential requests, the risk of hacks and most of the other security concerns that dog conventional gaming ecosystems.

This proof of work cryptocurrency project also leveraged their services on the Komodo blockchain to boost their security efforts. By using a cross-blockchain notary system, GameCredits and Komodo are interlinked, and as a result, they should be able to boost each other’s security by verifying one another in the unlikely event of an attack.

Examples of GameCredits use cases/applications

Apart from issuing a digital currency, GameCredits has gone ahead and developer some innovate solutions within the blockchain platform that is useful for the entire ecosystem. There are lots of products that are already benefitting from the GameCredits network, including the following:


This is an app that was designed to reward users who share their underutilized computing resources, like the GPU cycles and CPU with other users on the blockchain. You earn GAME tokens for this.


This is a community of gamers. Like any other community, the concept is to bring people together, so that they can learn together and empower one another. By sharing knowledge, this community aims to make sure that gamers and developers speak the same language, understand one another, and forge a good relationship that will keep changing the world of gaming as we know it.


This is a native game store by GameCredits. It is run by GNation. For any developer who knows what’s good for them, this is the place to list your games. GPlay rewards developers by paying them 90% of their sale. There is currently no gaming store that offers that much in payouts.


This is the token wallet for GAME tokens. Gamers will find this useful, as it allows them to make purchases in-game, buy games and use the tokens for e-sporting activities online.


This is a sister token to GAME tokens, launched by GameCredits. This token was useful in supporting the marketing efforts for GameCredits, and at the same time supporting the smart contract functionalities.


This was one of the first games that were launched by GameCredits. It is a multiplayer role-playing game developed for iOS and Android devices. PixelWars accepts GAME tokens as the in-game currency.




What is Status?

Status is a mobile operating system. It was built to encourage effective communication and use of the Ethereum blockchain, by bringing this technology into mobile devices. For this reason, Status has a private messenger and decentralized browser that makes it easier for users to access blockchain services and convenience from a smartphone.

Status is basically a gateway. The architecture behind Status on Ethereum is a light client node. This allows access to the decentralized apps on Ethereum. As a result, Status is an avenue through which developers and other entities that have products and services on Ethereum can witness mass adoption and appreciation of their work.

Even though Status operates as a light client node, it is fully embedded in the Ethereum blockchain. This means that Status is an independent extension of the Ethereum blockchain. By using Status, especially on your phone, therefore, you do not need to download the whole Ethereum blockchain. One of the best things about Status is that it is an open source platform. Anyone who desires can join, and become an active participant in its growth and development.

To use Status effectively, you must own the Status Network Token (SNT). This is a modular utility token that powers the network, including the following:

  • Governing the Status client
  • Push notification markets
  • Community content curation
  • Tribute to talk
  • Social communication

What is the problem that Status Solves?

Bots are one of the biggest challenges we face online today. Bots are automated software that control social media accounts, supporting campaigns, creating ideas and through deception, sway public opinion. While bots are often successful in achieving the intended purpose, the ripple effect is a polluted online discussion, false credibility to campaigns and unfair influence on real social media users and accounts.

Automated systems have been used to dominate discussions on social media, more so on Twitter, with an estimated 35% of user accounts being fake. According to a 2016 report, of the 319 million active users, more than 45 million were bots. This realization paints a dire picture on the nature and credibility of the media content we access online.

Status is about achieving mass adoption for clients, by working around how people interact with the devices they own. According to relevant studies, more people are active on their mobile devices than they are on desktop PCs today. Of this time, more than a third is spent on messaging apps. Therefore, instant messaging apps have a higher retention rate than most of the mobile apps currently in use. Once installed, people hardly ever uninstall them, and this is why mass adoption of instant messengers is a feasible idea.

Status, therefore, was looking for a way of getting uses and their friends to use the apps more, increasing the average lifetime use on the apps. With a growing user database, things like payments and supporting apps can also be built and integrated into the conversation paradigm.

Ultimately, the team at Status designed a hybrid messenger and web browser which allows users to have all they need in one place, while for the developers, this user pool allows them to focus on user acquisition while working within the confines of Ethereum.

How does Status Solve the problem?

To deal with the problem of media manipulation through social bots, the team at Status focused on designing social networks that are socio-economic, and present real value to the user. Status offers a decentralized blockchain platform where users can carry out transactions, build apps and so much more, operating on a P2P basis. Status is built on Ethereum, enjoying the security and the benefit of operating in a complete ecosystem. Users on Status have the power to influence all the decisions that involve the Status network. This means all key decisions, including software and app development and notifications. Anyone who holds the SNT has a right to push a decision in the system. Having done this, the nodes decide whether this decision should be put to a vote.

The voting system on Status is based on the Proof of Stake (PoS) model. When the users make a decision on the network, Status clones their tokens into decision tokens. There are no costs involved in decision making. While Status is free to join and communicate, you will need SNT to do a number of things on the platform.

What makes Status better than the competitors?

Anonymity is one of the reasons why Status is preferred by a lot of people today. This is an Ethereum operational requirement. Anonymity is an important requirement in a bid to protect the users and enhance the integrity of the network, and the information being shared on the network. Status uses advanced encryption to keep the network secure and users anonymous.

Given the fact that the likes of Bitcoin and Ethereum have been in the market for a while, there is always the desire or risk by new entrants to reinvent themselves, and come up with something new. This tends to backfire because people are yet to fully utilize the potential of the dominant blockchain platforms, so the idea of trying something new puts people off. This is where Status has an advantage.

Instead of reinventing the wheel, Status builds on the benefits of the technology currently in use and improves on the weaknesses. This also means that the developers at Status can spend more resources on designing innovative features that can spur the network successfully into the future.


Status gives users freedom. You can join, create apps, buy and sell anything you want on Status. This takes away the passive nature of interactions that people have with, for example, banks, where you only interact with them when you need to access their services, but take no part in decisions, even the ones that affect you. By joining Status, you can own coins and build your apps. You essentially become one of the decision makers.

Going Mobile

Through Status, blockchain technology is getting more mobile by the day. Status operates as a node on Ethereum. This allows users access to the decentralized apps on Status, and Ethereum. Essentially what this means is that you have the power of Ethereum in the palm of your hands. This is aimed at making blockchain more accessible and user-friendly. Other than the developers who have in-depth knowledge of the ins and outs of blockchain technology, the average user can now enjoy and appreciate the power of blockchain technology through simple everyday things like messaging apps, thanks to Status.

Harnessing Ethereum

There is a good reason why blockchain platforms like Status are pegged on industry leaders like Ethereum and Bitcoin. This is a way of hedging against security. Of course, it is a risky solution, given that it is leveraged on dependence, but at the same time, the bottom line is that users have access to a very big pool of apps, developers, markets and services, and all this is backed by top-notch security. This strategy has given Status a spring in their step since the launch, and they are poised well ahead of other blockchain platforms that might even be more established.

Risk Aversion

There is always a risk of investing in blockchain technology, especially when you have no idea about what it’s all about. The anonymity feature in Status also helps to protect investors, especially against the risk of seizure. Token purchases are protected, and safe such that this information is not available to any third party. Even in the event of a court case, there is no risk of freezing your assets, or knowledge about your investment, which makes it a safe haven for most people.

Community Participation

Status employs an upvote and downvote system like the one used on Reddit. While this gives the users freedom to like or dislike content, Status also has a unique algorithm in place that considers what stake the user holds at the time you are expressing your approval or disapproval for any content. This is a good way of preventing malice and encouraging quality community participation in the Status blockchain.

How can Status be categorized?

Status is an open source mobile interface and messaging platform that allows users interaction with decentralized apps that are available on Ethereum. It is a pioneer, as the first Ethereum mobile client that was built on P2P technology.

Using the messenger form factor on Status was aimed at making Ethereum more user-friendly, especially for a normal smartphone user who does not know about blockchain technology. At the same time, this was meant to make Status a flexible avenue for developers of decentralized apps, so that through their work, the average daily use of the public Ethereum blockchain increases.

What’s Status’ vision on Security?

Security in Status was built around the tenets of reliability, transfer of value and safe communication, taking away any concerns about asset security.

Recovering Coins

On the issue of security, one of the concerns that people have with most blockchain networks is what happens when they lose their coins. Is it possible to restore the coins and accounts? In the recent past, a lot of people have struggled after losing their accounts and lost a lot of money too. With Status, there is a very high likelihood that you can restore your coins. However, this depends on how the coins were lost.

Even with the effort that the developers at Status put in place to safeguard your investment, the best security starts from yourself. Always make sure your wallet, seed, and private keys are secured. If you lose coins as a result of damage to your wallet, you can reinstall a new wallet and get your coins back.

In case you forgot your keys, hence losing coins in the process, you can restore the SNT keys by regenerating private keys through the seed phrase. Sadly, if you were to lose your coins as a result of a hack, or if you sent the coins to the wrong address, you cannot recover them.

Dealing with Spam

Spam is always one of the common challenges that any network will grapple with over time. On Status, usernames are assigned to help prevent spam, other than using native SNT tokens. To do this, the developers invoked the Ethereum Name Service to make sure that anyone who owns SNT has a unique username. In order to own SNT, you have to deposit SNT as premiums.

This is a secure way of preventing spam because for you to send such, you would have to burn SNT in the process, and an audit trail would show the source of the spam messages.

Examples of Status use cases/applications


The developers at Ujo describe it as a home for artists. Ujo is one product that has been integrated into Status successfully, giving artists the ability and freedom to create and control their content. This is a creative’s paradise, in that other than creating and controlling the content, they can share it as they please with the world at their behest.

The Ujo platform takes advantage of blockchain technology to provide transparency for the users, something that has been the main reason for legal battles between artists and their partners in the past. Ujo gives artists a decentralized database of rights, allowing them to use cryptocurrency and smart contracts for things like automated royalty payments. Some of the partners who have come on board include RAC, Imogen Heap, and Giraffage.


Through Status, Etherisc is using blockchain technology to make insurance accessible, and more importantly, fair. On this platform, users are able to build decentralized insurance applications, make the process of buying and selling insurance more secure and efficient, increase transparency in insurance processes, and reduce the operational costs that often push up the cost of insurance

Oasis Exchange

The Oasis Exchange is a decentralized exchange where users can trade in Ethereum tokens.


The uPort protocol is changing the way identities are handled online. Instead of leaving identity ownership to corporations, uPort gives back control to the individual. Through their open identity system, you can register an identity on Ethereum, request credentials or send the same to manage data and keys securely, and even sign transactions.

Users can choose the kind of information or credentials that they are willing to share when requested. The identity and messaging protocols on uPort are specifically built to enhance the user experience on decentralized platforms.
